Type Alias Fp3

pub type Fp3<P> = CubicExtField<Fp3ConfigWrapper<P>>;

Aliased Type§

struct Fp3<P> {
    pub c0: <Fp3ConfigWrapper<P> as CubicExtConfig>::BaseField,
    pub c1: <Fp3ConfigWrapper<P> as CubicExtConfig>::BaseField,
    pub c2: <Fp3ConfigWrapper<P> as CubicExtConfig>::BaseField,


§c0: <Fp3ConfigWrapper<P> as CubicExtConfig>::BaseField§c1: <Fp3ConfigWrapper<P> as CubicExtConfig>::BaseField§c2: <Fp3ConfigWrapper<P> as CubicExtConfig>::BaseField



impl<P: Fp3Config> Fp3<P>


pub fn mul_assign_by_fp(&mut self, value: &P::Fp)

In-place multiply all coefficients c0, c1, and c2 of self by an element from Fp.

use ark_mnt6_753::{Fq as Fp, Fq3 as Fp3};
let c0: Fp = Fp::rand(&mut test_rng());
let c1: Fp = Fp::rand(&mut test_rng());
let c2: Fp = Fp::rand(&mut test_rng());
let mut ext_element: Fp3 = Fp3::new(c0, c1, c2);

let base_field_element: Fp = Fp::rand(&mut test_rng());

assert_eq!(ext_element.c0, c0 * base_field_element);
assert_eq!(ext_element.c1, c1 * base_field_element);
assert_eq!(ext_element.c2, c2 * base_field_element);

Trait Implementations§


impl<P: Fp3Config> CyclotomicMultSubgroup for Fp3<P>


const INVERSE_IS_FAST: bool = false

Is the inverse fast to compute? For example, in quadratic extensions, the inverse can be computed at the cost of negating one coordinate, which is much faster than standard inversion. By default this is false, but should be set to true for quadratic extensions.

fn cyclotomic_square(&self) -> Self

Compute a square in the cyclotomic subgroup. By default this is computed using Field::square, but for degree 12 extensions, this can be computed faster than normal squaring. Read more

fn cyclotomic_square_in_place(&mut self) -> &mut Self

Square self in place. By default this is computed using Field::square_in_place, but for degree 12 extensions, this can be computed faster than normal squaring. Read more

fn cyclotomic_inverse(&self) -> Option<Self>

Compute the inverse of self. See Self::INVERSE_IS_FAST for details. Returns None if self.is_zero(), and Some otherwise. Read more

fn cyclotomic_inverse_in_place(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Self>

Compute the inverse of self. See Self::INVERSE_IS_FAST for details. Returns None if self.is_zero(), and Some otherwise. Read more

fn cyclotomic_exp(&self, e: impl AsRef<[u64]>) -> Self

Compute a cyclotomic exponentiation of self with respect to e. Read more

fn cyclotomic_exp_in_place(&mut self, e: impl AsRef<[u64]>)

Set self to be the result of exponentiating self by e, using efficient cyclotomic algorithms. Read more