Module abci

Expand description

Application BlockChain Interface (ABCI) is the interface between Tendermint (a consensus engine for Byzantine-fault-tolerant replication of a state machine) and an application (the state machine to be replicated).

Using ABCI involves writing an application driven by ABCI methods, exposing that application as an ABCI server, and having Tendermint connect to the server as an ABCI client.

This module does not include an ABCI server implementation itself. Instead, it provides a common set of Rust domain types that model the ABCI protocol, which can be used by both ABCI applications and ABCI server implementations.

One ABCI server implementation is provided by the tendermint_abci crate.

Each ABCI method corresponds to a request/response pair. ABCI requests are modeled by the Request enum, and responses are modeled by the Response enum. As described in the methods and types page, ABCI methods are split into four categories. Tendermint opens one ABCI connection for each category of messages. These categories are modeled by the MethodKind enum and by per-category request and response enums:

The domain types in this module have conversions to and from the Protobuf types defined in the [tendermint_proto] crate. These conversions are required for ABCI server implementations, which use the protobufs to communicate with Tendermint, but should not be required for ABCI applications, which should use the domain types in an interface defined by their choice of ABCI server implementation.


pub use crate::v0_38::abci::request::Request;
pub use crate::v0_38::abci::request::ConsensusRequest;
pub use crate::v0_38::abci::request::InfoRequest;
pub use crate::v0_38::abci::request::MempoolRequest;
pub use crate::v0_38::abci::request::SnapshotRequest;
pub use crate::v0_38::abci::response::Response;
pub use crate::v0_38::abci::response::ConsensusResponse;
pub use crate::v0_38::abci::response::InfoResponse;
pub use crate::v0_38::abci::response::MempoolResponse;
pub use crate::v0_38::abci::response::SnapshotResponse;


ABCI requests and request data.
ABCI responses and response data.
ABCI-specific data types used in requests and responses.


An event that occurred while processing a request.


ABCI application response codes.
The attributes of an Event consist of a key, a value, and an index flag. The index flag notifies the Tendermint indexer to index the attribute. The value of the index flag is non-deterministic and may vary across different nodes in the network.
A category of ABCI method.


Adds convenience methods to tuples for more ergonomic EventAttribute construction.
A marker trait for types that can be converted to and from Events.