Trait penumbra_proto::state::StateReadProto

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pub trait StateReadProto: StateRead + Send + Sync {
    // Provided methods
    fn get<D>(&self, key: &str) -> DomainFuture<D, Self::GetRawFut> 
       where D: DomainType + Debug,
             Error: From<<D as TryFrom<D::Proto>>::Error> { ... }
    fn nonverifiable_get<D>(
        key: &[u8]
    ) -> DomainFuture<D, Self::GetRawFut> 
       where D: DomainType + Debug,
             Error: From<<D as TryFrom<D::Proto>>::Error> { ... }
    fn get_proto<P>(&self, key: &str) -> ProtoFuture<P, Self::GetRawFut> 
       where P: Message + Default + Debug { ... }
    fn prefix<'a, D>(
        &'a self,
        prefix: &'a str
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = Result<(String, D)>> + Send + 'static>>
       where D: DomainType,
             Error: From<<D as TryFrom<D::Proto>>::Error> { ... }
    fn prefix_proto<'a, P>(
        &'a self,
        prefix: &'a str
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = Result<(String, P)>> + Send + 'static>>
       where P: Message + Default { ... }
Available on crate feature cnidarium only.

Provided Methods§


fn get<D>(&self, key: &str) -> DomainFuture<D, Self::GetRawFut>
where D: DomainType + Debug, Error: From<<D as TryFrom<D::Proto>>::Error>,

Gets a value from the verifiable key-value store as a domain type.

  • Ok(Some(v)) if the value is present and parseable as a domain type D;
  • Ok(None) if the value is missing;
  • Err(_) if the value is present but not parseable as a domain type D, or if an underlying storage error occurred.

fn nonverifiable_get<D>(&self, key: &[u8]) -> DomainFuture<D, Self::GetRawFut>
where D: DomainType + Debug, Error: From<<D as TryFrom<D::Proto>>::Error>,

Gets a value from the nonverifiable key-value store as a domain type.

  • Ok(Some(v)) if the value is present and parseable as a domain type D;
  • Ok(None) if the value is missing;
  • Err(_) if the value is present but not parseable as a domain type D, or if an underlying storage error occurred.

fn get_proto<P>(&self, key: &str) -> ProtoFuture<P, Self::GetRawFut>
where P: Message + Default + Debug,

Gets a value from the verifiable key-value store as a proto type.

  • Ok(Some(v)) if the value is present and parseable as a proto type P;
  • Ok(None) if the value is missing;
  • Err(_) if the value is present but not parseable as a proto type P, or if an underlying storage error occurred.

fn prefix<'a, D>( &'a self, prefix: &'a str ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = Result<(String, D)>> + Send + 'static>>
where D: DomainType, Error: From<<D as TryFrom<D::Proto>>::Error>,

Retrieve all values for keys matching a prefix from consensus-critical state, as domain types.


fn prefix_proto<'a, P>( &'a self, prefix: &'a str ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = Result<(String, P)>> + Send + 'static>>
where P: Message + Default,

Retrieve all values for keys matching a prefix from the verifiable key-value store, as proto types.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
