
1//! Tendermint validators
3use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
4use tendermint_proto::v0_38::types::{
5    SimpleValidator as RawSimpleValidator, ValidatorSet as RawValidatorSet,
7use tendermint_proto::Protobuf;
9use crate::{
10    account,
11    crypto::signature::Verifier,
12    crypto::Sha256,
13    hash::Hash,
14    merkle::{self, MerkleHash},
15    prelude::*,
16    public_key::deserialize_public_key,
17    vote, Error, PublicKey, Signature,
20/// Validator set contains a vector of validators
21#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
22#[serde(try_from = "RawValidatorSet")]
23pub struct Set {
24    validators: Vec<Info>,
25    proposer: Option<Info>,
26    total_voting_power: vote::Power,
29impl Set {
30    pub const MAX_TOTAL_VOTING_POWER: u64 = (i64::MAX / 8) as u64;
32    /// Constructor
33    pub fn new(validators: Vec<Info>, proposer: Option<Info>) -> Set {
34        Self::try_from_parts(validators, proposer, 0).unwrap()
35    }
37    fn try_from_parts(
38        mut validators: Vec<Info>,
39        proposer: Option<Info>,
40        unvalidated_total_voting_power: i64,
41    ) -> Result<Set, Error> {
42        // Compute the total voting power
43        let total_voting_power = validators
44            .iter()
45            .map(|v| v.power.value())
46            .fold(0u64, |acc, v| acc.saturating_add(v));
48        if total_voting_power > Self::MAX_TOTAL_VOTING_POWER {
49            return Err(Error::total_voting_power_overflow());
50        }
52        // The conversion cannot fail as we have validated against a smaller limit.
53        let total_voting_power: vote::Power = total_voting_power.try_into().unwrap();
55        // If the given total voting power is not the default value,
56        // validate it against the sum of voting powers of the participants.
57        if unvalidated_total_voting_power != 0 {
58            let given_val: vote::Power = unvalidated_total_voting_power.try_into()?;
59            if given_val != total_voting_power {
60                return Err(Error::total_voting_power_mismatch());
61            }
62        }
64        Self::sort_validators(&mut validators);
66        Ok(Set {
67            validators,
68            proposer,
69            total_voting_power,
70        })
71    }
73    /// Convenience constructor for cases where there is no proposer
74    pub fn without_proposer(validators: Vec<Info>) -> Set {
75        Self::new(validators, None)
76    }
78    /// Convenience constructor for cases where there is a proposer
79    pub fn with_proposer(
80        validators: Vec<Info>,
81        proposer_address: account::Id,
82    ) -> Result<Self, Error> {
83        // Get the proposer.
84        let proposer = validators
85            .iter()
86            .find(|v| v.address == proposer_address)
87            .cloned()
88            .ok_or_else(|| Error::proposer_not_found(proposer_address))?;
90        // Create the validator set with the given proposer.
91        // This is required by IBC on-chain validation.
92        Ok(Self::new(validators, Some(proposer)))
93    }
95    /// Get Info of the underlying validators.
96    pub fn validators(&self) -> &Vec<Info> {
97        &self.validators
98    }
100    /// Get proposer
101    pub fn proposer(&self) -> &Option<Info> {
102        &self.proposer
103    }
105    /// Get total voting power
106    pub fn total_voting_power(&self) -> vote::Power {
107        self.total_voting_power
108    }
110    /// Sort the validators according to the current Tendermint requirements
111    /// (v. 0.34 -> first by validator power, descending, then by address, ascending)
112    fn sort_validators(vals: &mut [Info]) {
113        vals.sort_by_key(|v| (core::cmp::Reverse(v.power), v.address));
114    }
116    /// Returns the validator with the given Id if its in the Set.
117    pub fn validator(&self, val_id: account::Id) -> Option<Info> {
118        self.validators
119            .iter()
120            .find(|val| val.address == val_id)
121            .cloned()
122    }
124    /// Compute the hash of this validator set.
125    #[cfg(feature = "rust-crypto")]
126    pub fn hash(&self) -> Hash {
127        self.hash_with::<crate::crypto::default::Sha256>()
128    }
130    /// Hash this header with a SHA256 hasher provided by a crypto provider.
131    pub fn hash_with<H>(&self) -> Hash
132    where
133        H: MerkleHash + Sha256 + Default,
134    {
135        let validator_bytes: Vec<Vec<u8>> = self
136            .validators()
137            .iter()
138            .map(|validator| validator.hash_bytes())
139            .collect();
141        Hash::Sha256(merkle::simple_hash_from_byte_vectors::<H>(&validator_bytes))
142    }
145/// Validator information
146// Todo: Remove address and make it into a function that generates it on the fly from pub_key.
147#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
148pub struct Info {
149    /// Validator account address
150    pub address: account::Id,
152    /// Validator public key
153    pub pub_key: PublicKey,
155    /// Validator voting power
156    // Compatibility with genesis.json https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/issues/5549
157    #[serde(alias = "voting_power", alias = "total_voting_power")]
158    pub power: vote::Power,
160    /// Validator name
161    pub name: Option<String>,
163    /// Validator proposer priority
164    #[serde(skip)]
165    pub proposer_priority: ProposerPriority,
168impl Info {
169    /// Return the voting power of the validator.
170    pub fn power(&self) -> u64 {
171        self.power.value()
172    }
174    /// Verify the given signature against the given sign_bytes using the validators
175    /// public key.
176    pub fn verify_signature<V>(&self, sign_bytes: &[u8], signature: &Signature) -> Result<(), Error>
177    where
178        V: Verifier,
179    {
180        V::verify(self.pub_key, sign_bytes, signature)
181            .map_err(|_| Error::signature_invalid("Ed25519 signature verification failed".into()))
182    }
184    #[cfg(feature = "rust-crypto")]
185    /// Create a new validator.
186    pub fn new(pk: PublicKey, vp: vote::Power) -> Info {
187        Info {
188            address: account::Id::from(pk),
189            pub_key: pk,
190            power: vp,
191            name: None,
192            proposer_priority: ProposerPriority::default(),
193        }
194    }
197/// SimpleValidator is the form of the validator used for computing the Merkle tree.
198/// It does not include the address, as that is redundant with the pubkey,
199/// nor the proposer priority, as that changes with every block even if the validator set didn't.
200/// It contains only the pubkey and the voting power.
201/// TODO: currently only works for Ed25519 pubkeys
202#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
203pub struct SimpleValidator {
204    /// Public key
205    pub pub_key: PublicKey,
206    /// Voting power
207    pub voting_power: vote::Power,
210/// Info -> SimpleValidator
211impl From<&Info> for SimpleValidator {
212    fn from(info: &Info) -> SimpleValidator {
213        SimpleValidator {
214            pub_key: info.pub_key,
215            voting_power: info.power,
216        }
217    }
220impl Info {
221    /// Returns the bytes to be hashed into the Merkle tree -
222    /// the leaves of the tree.
223    pub fn hash_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
224        Protobuf::<RawSimpleValidator>::encode_vec(SimpleValidator::from(self))
225    }
228// Todo: Is there more knowledge/restrictions about proposerPriority?
229/// Proposer priority
230#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Default)]
231pub struct ProposerPriority(i64);
233impl From<i64> for ProposerPriority {
234    fn from(value: i64) -> Self {
235        ProposerPriority(value)
236    }
239impl From<ProposerPriority> for i64 {
240    fn from(priority: ProposerPriority) -> i64 {
241        priority.value()
242    }
245impl ProposerPriority {
246    /// Get the current proposer priority
247    pub fn value(self) -> i64 {
248        self.0
249    }
252/// A change to the validator set.
254/// Used to inform Tendermint of changes to the validator set.
256/// [ABCI documentation](https://docs.tendermint.com/master/spec/abci/abci.html#validatorupdate)
257#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
258pub struct Update {
259    /// Validator public key
260    #[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_public_key")]
261    pub pub_key: PublicKey,
263    /// New voting power
264    #[serde(default)]
265    pub power: vote::Power,
268// =============================================================================
269// Protobuf conversions
270// =============================================================================
272tendermint_pb_modules! {
273    use pb::{
274        abci::ValidatorUpdate as RawValidatorUpdate,
275        types::{
276            SimpleValidator as RawSimpleValidator, Validator as RawValidator,
277            ValidatorSet as RawValidatorSet,
278        },
279    };
280    use super::{Info, Set, SimpleValidator, Update};
281    use crate::{prelude::*, Error};
283    impl Protobuf<RawValidatorSet> for Set {}
285    impl TryFrom<RawValidatorSet> for Set {
286        type Error = Error;
288        fn try_from(value: RawValidatorSet) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
289            let validators = value
290                .validators
291                .into_iter()
292                .map(TryInto::try_into)
293                .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
295            let proposer = value.proposer.map(TryInto::try_into).transpose()?;
297            Self::try_from_parts(validators, proposer, value.total_voting_power)
298        }
299    }
301    impl From<Set> for RawValidatorSet {
302        fn from(value: Set) -> Self {
303            RawValidatorSet {
304                validators: value.validators.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect(),
305                proposer: value.proposer.map(Into::into),
306                total_voting_power: value.total_voting_power.into(),
307            }
308        }
309    }
311    impl TryFrom<RawValidator> for Info {
312        type Error = Error;
314        fn try_from(value: RawValidator) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
315            Ok(Info {
316                address: value.address.try_into()?,
317                pub_key: value
318                    .pub_key
319                    .ok_or_else(Error::missing_public_key)?
320                    .try_into()?,
321                power: value.voting_power.try_into()?,
322                name: None,
323                proposer_priority: value.proposer_priority.into(),
324            })
325        }
326    }
328    impl From<Info> for RawValidator {
329        fn from(value: Info) -> Self {
330            RawValidator {
331                address: value.address.into(),
332                pub_key: Some(value.pub_key.into()),
333                voting_power: value.power.into(),
334                proposer_priority: value.proposer_priority.into(),
335            }
336        }
337    }
339    impl Protobuf<RawSimpleValidator> for SimpleValidator {}
341    impl TryFrom<RawSimpleValidator> for SimpleValidator {
342        type Error = Error;
344        fn try_from(value: RawSimpleValidator) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
345            Ok(SimpleValidator {
346                pub_key: value.pub_key
347                    .ok_or_else(Error::missing_public_key)?
348                    .try_into()?,
349                voting_power: value.voting_power.try_into()?,
350            })
351        }
352    }
354    impl From<SimpleValidator> for RawSimpleValidator {
355        fn from(value: SimpleValidator) -> Self {
356            RawSimpleValidator {
357                pub_key: Some(value.pub_key.into()),
358                voting_power: value.voting_power.into(),
359            }
360        }
361    }
363    impl Protobuf<RawValidatorUpdate> for Update {}
365    impl From<Update> for RawValidatorUpdate {
366        fn from(vu: Update) -> Self {
367            Self {
368                pub_key: Some(vu.pub_key.into()),
369                power: vu.power.into(),
370            }
371        }
372    }
374    impl TryFrom<RawValidatorUpdate> for Update {
375        type Error = Error;
377        fn try_from(vu: RawValidatorUpdate) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
378            Ok(Self {
379                pub_key: vu
380                    .pub_key
381                    .ok_or_else(Error::missing_public_key)?
382                    .try_into()?,
383                power: vu.power.try_into()?,
384            })
385        }
386    }
390mod tests {
391    use super::*;
393    #[cfg(feature = "rust-crypto")]
394    mod crypto {
395        use super::*;
397        // make a validator
398        fn make_validator(pk: Vec<u8>, vp: u64) -> Info {
399            let pk = PublicKey::from_raw_ed25519(&pk).unwrap();
400            Info::new(pk, vote::Power::try_from(vp).unwrap())
401        }
403        #[test]
404        fn test_validator_set() {
405            // test vector generated by Go code
406            // import (
407            // "fmt"
408            // "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/crypto/ed25519"
409            // "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
410            // "strings"
411            // )
412            // func testValSet() {
413            // pk1 := ed25519.GenPrivKeyFromSecret([]byte{4, 211, 14, 157, 10, 0, 205, 9, 10, 116, 207,
414            // 161, 4, 211, 190, 37, 108, 88, 202, 168, 63, 135, 0, 141, 53, 55, 254, 57, 40, 184, 20,
415            // 242}) pk2 := ed25519.GenPrivKeyFromSecret([]byte{99, 231, 126, 151, 159, 236, 2,
416            // 229, 33, 44, 200, 248, 147, 176, 13, 127, 105, 76, 49, 83, 25, 101, 44, 57, 20, 215, 166,
417            // 188, 134, 94, 56, 165}) pk3 := ed25519.GenPrivKeyFromSecret([]byte{54, 253, 151,
418            // 16, 182, 114, 125, 12, 74, 101, 54, 253, 174, 153, 121, 74, 145, 180, 111, 16, 214, 48,
419            // 193, 109, 104, 134, 55, 162, 151, 16, 182, 114}) not_in_set :=
420            // ed25519.GenPrivKeyFromSecret([]byte{121, 74, 145, 180, 111, 16, 214, 48, 193, 109, 35,
421            // 68, 19, 27, 173, 69, 92, 204, 127, 218, 234, 81, 232, 75, 204, 199, 48, 163, 55, 132,
422            // 231, 147}) fmt.Println("pk1: ", strings.Join(strings.Split(fmt.Sprintf("%v",
423            // pk1.PubKey().Bytes()), " "), ", ")) fmt.Println("pk2:",
424            // strings.Join(strings.Split(fmt.Sprintf("%v", pk2.PubKey().Bytes()), " "), ", "))
425            // fmt.Println("pk3: ", strings.Join(strings.Split(fmt.Sprintf("%v", pk3.PubKey().Bytes()),
426            // " "), ", ")) fmt.Println("not_in_set: ",
427            // strings.Join(strings.Split(fmt.Sprintf("%v", not_in_set.PubKey().Bytes()), " "), ", "))
428            // v1 := types.NewValidator(pk1.PubKey(), 148151478422287875)
429            // v2 := types.NewValidator(pk2.PubKey(), 158095448483785107)
430            // v3 := types.NewValidator(pk3.PubKey(), 770561664770006272)
431            // set := types.NewValidatorSet([]*types.Validator{v1, v2, v3})
432            // fmt.Println("Hash:", strings.Join(strings.Split(fmt.Sprintf("%v", set.Hash()), " "), ",
433            // ")) }
434            let v1 = make_validator(
435                vec![
436                    48, 163, 55, 132, 231, 147, 230, 163, 56, 158, 127, 218, 179, 139, 212, 103,
437                    218, 89, 122, 126, 229, 88, 84, 48, 32, 0, 185, 174, 63, 72, 203, 52,
438                ],
439                148_151_478_422_287_875,
440            );
441            let v2 = make_validator(
442                vec![
443                    54, 253, 174, 153, 121, 74, 145, 180, 111, 16, 214, 48, 193, 109, 104, 134, 55,
444                    162, 151, 16, 182, 114, 125, 135, 32, 195, 236, 248, 64, 112, 74, 101,
445                ],
446                158_095_448_483_785_107,
447            );
448            let v3 = make_validator(
449                vec![
450                    182, 205, 13, 86, 147, 27, 65, 49, 160, 118, 11, 180, 117, 35, 206, 35, 68, 19,
451                    27, 173, 69, 92, 204, 224, 200, 51, 249, 81, 105, 128, 112, 244,
452                ],
453                770_561_664_770_006_272,
454            );
455            let hash_expect = vec![
456                11, 64, 107, 4, 234, 81, 232, 75, 204, 199, 160, 114, 229, 97, 243, 95, 118, 213,
457                17, 22, 57, 84, 71, 122, 200, 169, 192, 252, 41, 148, 223, 180,
458            ];
460            let val_set = Set::without_proposer(vec![v1.clone(), v2.clone(), v3.clone()]);
461            let hash = val_set.hash();
462            assert_eq!(hash_expect, hash.as_bytes().to_vec());
464            let not_in_set = make_validator(
465                vec![
466                    110, 147, 87, 120, 27, 218, 66, 209, 81, 4, 169, 153, 64, 163, 137, 89, 168,
467                    97, 219, 233, 42, 119, 24, 61, 47, 59, 76, 31, 182, 60, 13, 4,
468                ],
469                10_000_000_000_000_000,
470            );
472            assert_eq!(val_set.validator(v1.address).unwrap(), v1);
473            assert_eq!(val_set.validator(v2.address).unwrap(), v2);
474            assert_eq!(val_set.validator(v3.address).unwrap(), v3);
475            assert_eq!(val_set.validator(not_in_set.address), None);
476            assert_eq!(
477                val_set.total_voting_power().value(),
478                148_151_478_422_287_875 + 158_095_448_483_785_107 + 770_561_664_770_006_272
479            );
480        }
481    }
483    #[test]
484    fn deserialize_validator_updates() {
485        const FMT1: &str = r#"{
486            "pub_key": {
487                "Sum": {
488                    "type": "tendermint.crypto.PublicKey_Ed25519",
489                    "value": {
490                        "ed25519": "VqJCr3vjQdffcLIG6RMBl2MgXDFYNY6b3Joaa43gV3o="
491                    }
492                }
493            },
494            "power": "573929"
495        }"#;
496        const FMT2: &str = r#"{
497            "pub_key": {
498                "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
499                "value": "VqJCr3vjQdffcLIG6RMBl2MgXDFYNY6b3Joaa43gV3o="
500            },
501            "power": "573929"
502        }"#;
504        let update1 = serde_json::from_str::<Update>(FMT1).unwrap();
505        let update2 = serde_json::from_str::<Update>(FMT2).unwrap();
507        assert_eq!(u64::from(update1.power), 573929);
508        assert_eq!(update1, update2);
509    }
511    #[test]
512    fn validator_set_deserialize_all_fields() {
513        const VSET: &str = r#"{
514            "validators": [
515                {
516                    "address": "01F527D77D3FFCC4FCFF2DDC2952EEA5414F2A33",
517                    "pub_key": {
518                        "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
519                        "value": "OAaNq3DX/15fGJP2MI6bujt1GRpvjwrqIevChirJsbc="
520                    },
521                    "voting_power": "50",
522                    "proposer_priority": "-150"
523                },
524                {
525                    "address": "026CC7B6F3E62F789DBECEC59766888B5464737D",
526                    "pub_key": {
527                        "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
528                        "value": "+vlsKpn6ojn+UoTZl+w+fxeqm6xvUfBokTcKfcG3au4="
529                    },
530                    "voting_power": "42",
531                    "proposer_priority": "50"
532                }
533            ],
534            "proposer": {
535                "address": "01F527D77D3FFCC4FCFF2DDC2952EEA5414F2A33",
536                "pub_key": {
537                    "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
538                    "value": "OAaNq3DX/15fGJP2MI6bujt1GRpvjwrqIevChirJsbc="
539                },
540                "voting_power": "50",
541                "proposer_priority": "-150"
542            },
543            "total_voting_power": "92"
544        }"#;
546        let vset = serde_json::from_str::<Set>(VSET).unwrap();
547        assert_eq!(vset.total_voting_power().value(), 92);
548    }
550    #[test]
551    fn validator_set_deserialize_no_total_voting_power() {
552        const VSET: &str = r#"{
553            "validators": [
554                {
555                    "address": "01F527D77D3FFCC4FCFF2DDC2952EEA5414F2A33",
556                    "pub_key": {
557                        "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
558                        "value": "OAaNq3DX/15fGJP2MI6bujt1GRpvjwrqIevChirJsbc="
559                    },
560                    "voting_power": "50",
561                    "proposer_priority": "-150"
562                },
563                {
564                    "address": "026CC7B6F3E62F789DBECEC59766888B5464737D",
565                    "pub_key": {
566                        "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
567                        "value": "+vlsKpn6ojn+UoTZl+w+fxeqm6xvUfBokTcKfcG3au4="
568                    },
569                    "voting_power": "42",
570                    "proposer_priority": "50"
571                }
572            ],
573            "proposer": {
574                "address": "01F527D77D3FFCC4FCFF2DDC2952EEA5414F2A33",
575                "pub_key": {
576                    "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
577                    "value": "OAaNq3DX/15fGJP2MI6bujt1GRpvjwrqIevChirJsbc="
578                },
579                "voting_power": "50",
580                "proposer_priority": "-150"
581            }
582        }"#;
584        let vset = serde_json::from_str::<Set>(VSET).unwrap();
585        assert_eq!(vset.total_voting_power().value(), 92);
586    }
588    #[test]
589    fn validator_set_deserialize_total_voting_power_mismatch() {
590        const VSET: &str = r#"{
591            "validators": [
592                {
593                    "address": "01F527D77D3FFCC4FCFF2DDC2952EEA5414F2A33",
594                    "pub_key": {
595                        "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
596                        "value": "OAaNq3DX/15fGJP2MI6bujt1GRpvjwrqIevChirJsbc="
597                    },
598                    "voting_power": "50",
599                    "proposer_priority": "-150"
600                },
601                {
602                    "address": "026CC7B6F3E62F789DBECEC59766888B5464737D",
603                    "pub_key": {
604                        "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
605                        "value": "+vlsKpn6ojn+UoTZl+w+fxeqm6xvUfBokTcKfcG3au4="
606                    },
607                    "voting_power": "42",
608                    "proposer_priority": "50"
609                }
610            ],
611            "proposer": {
612                "address": "01F527D77D3FFCC4FCFF2DDC2952EEA5414F2A33",
613                "pub_key": {
614                    "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
615                    "value": "OAaNq3DX/15fGJP2MI6bujt1GRpvjwrqIevChirJsbc="
616                },
617                "voting_power": "50",
618                "proposer_priority": "-150"
619            },
620            "total_voting_power": "100"
621        }"#;
623        let err = serde_json::from_str::<Set>(VSET).unwrap_err();
624        assert!(
625            err.to_string()
626                .contains("total voting power in validator set does not match the sum of participants' powers"),
627            "{err}"
628        );
629    }
631    #[test]
632    fn validator_set_deserialize_total_voting_power_exceeds_limit() {
633        const VSET: &str = r#"{
634            "validators": [
635                {
636                    "address": "01F527D77D3FFCC4FCFF2DDC2952EEA5414F2A33",
637                    "pub_key": {
638                        "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
639                        "value": "OAaNq3DX/15fGJP2MI6bujt1GRpvjwrqIevChirJsbc="
640                    },
641                    "voting_power": "576460752303423488",
642                    "proposer_priority": "-150"
643                },
644                {
645                    "address": "026CC7B6F3E62F789DBECEC59766888B5464737D",
646                    "pub_key": {
647                        "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
648                        "value": "+vlsKpn6ojn+UoTZl+w+fxeqm6xvUfBokTcKfcG3au4="
649                    },
650                    "voting_power": "576460752303423488",
651                    "proposer_priority": "50"
652                }
653            ],
654            "proposer": {
655                "address": "01F527D77D3FFCC4FCFF2DDC2952EEA5414F2A33",
656                "pub_key": {
657                    "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
658                    "value": "OAaNq3DX/15fGJP2MI6bujt1GRpvjwrqIevChirJsbc="
659                },
660                "voting_power": "50",
661                "proposer_priority": "-150"
662            },
663            "total_voting_power": "92"
664        }"#;
666        let err = serde_json::from_str::<Set>(VSET).unwrap_err();
667        assert!(
668            err.to_string()
669                .contains("total voting power in validator set exceeds the allowed maximum"),
670            "{err}"
671        );
672    }
674    #[test]
675    fn validator_set_deserialize_total_voting_power_overflow() {
676        const VSET: &str = r#"{
677            "validators": [
678                {
679                    "address": "01F527D77D3FFCC4FCFF2DDC2952EEA5414F2A33",
680                    "pub_key": {
681                        "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
682                        "value": "OAaNq3DX/15fGJP2MI6bujt1GRpvjwrqIevChirJsbc="
683                    },
684                    "voting_power": "6148914691236517205",
685                    "proposer_priority": "-150"
686                },
687                {
688                    "address": "026CC7B6F3E62F789DBECEC59766888B5464737D",
689                    "pub_key": {
690                        "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
691                        "value": "+vlsKpn6ojn+UoTZl+w+fxeqm6xvUfBokTcKfcG3au4="
692                    },
693                    "voting_power": "6148914691236517205",
694                    "proposer_priority": "50"
695                },
696                {
697                    "address": "044EB1BB5D4C1CDB90029648439AEB10431FF295",
698                    "pub_key": {
699                        "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
700                        "value": "Wc790fkCDAi7LvZ4UIBAIJSNI+Rp2aU80/8l+idZ/wI="
701                    },
702                    "voting_power": "6148914691236517206",
703                    "proposer_priority": "50"
704                }
705            ],
706            "proposer": {
707                "address": "01F527D77D3FFCC4FCFF2DDC2952EEA5414F2A33",
708                "pub_key": {
709                    "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
710                    "value": "OAaNq3DX/15fGJP2MI6bujt1GRpvjwrqIevChirJsbc="
711                },
712                "voting_power": "50",
713                "proposer_priority": "-150"
714            }
715        }"#;
717        let err = serde_json::from_str::<Set>(VSET).unwrap_err();
718        assert!(
719            err.to_string()
720                .contains("total voting power in validator set exceeds the allowed maximum"),
721            "{err}"
722        );
723    }