
1//! Incremental serialization and non-incremental deserialization for the [`Tree`](crate::Tree).
3use std::{
4    collections::{btree_map::Entry, BTreeMap},
5    fmt::Debug,
6    ops::Range,
9use futures::Stream;
11use crate::prelude::*;
13pub(crate) mod deserialize;
14pub(crate) mod serialize;
16pub mod in_memory;
17pub use deserialize::{LoadCommitments, LoadHashes};
18pub use in_memory::InMemory;
20/// A stored position for the tree: either the position of the tree, or a marker indicating that it
21/// is full, and therefore does not have a position.
22#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
23pub enum StoredPosition {
24    /// The tree has the given position.
25    Position(Position),
26    /// The tree is full.
27    Full,
30impl Default for StoredPosition {
31    fn default() -> Self {
32        StoredPosition::Position(Position::default())
33    }
36impl From<StoredPosition> for Option<Position> {
37    fn from(stored: StoredPosition) -> Self {
38        match stored {
39            StoredPosition::Position(position) => Some(position),
40            StoredPosition::Full => None,
41        }
42    }
45impl From<Option<Position>> for StoredPosition {
46    fn from(position: Option<Position>) -> Self {
47        match position {
48            Some(position) => StoredPosition::Position(position),
49            None => StoredPosition::Full,
50        }
51    }
54/// An `async` storage backend capable of reading stored [`struct@Hash`]es and [`Commitment`]s as
55/// well as storing the current [`Position`].
57pub trait AsyncRead {
58    /// The error returned when something goes wrong in a request.
59    type Error;
61    /// The type of stream returned by [`AsyncRead::hashes`].
62    type HashesStream<'a>: Stream<Item = Result<(Position, u8, Hash), Self::Error>> + Unpin + 'a
63    where
64        Self: 'a;
66    /// The type of stream returned by [`AsyncRead::commitments`].
67    type CommitmentsStream<'a>: Stream<Item = Result<(Position, StateCommitment), Self::Error>>
68        + Unpin
69        + 'a
70    where
71        Self: 'a;
73    /// Fetch the current position stored.
74    async fn position(&mut self) -> Result<StoredPosition, Self::Error>;
76    /// Fetch the current forgotten version.
77    async fn forgotten(&mut self) -> Result<Forgotten, Self::Error>;
79    /// Fetch the hash at the given position and height, if it exists.
80    async fn hash(&mut self, position: Position, height: u8) -> Result<Option<Hash>, Self::Error>;
82    /// Get the full list of all internal hashes stored, indexed by position and height.
83    fn hashes(&mut self) -> Self::HashesStream<'_>;
85    /// Fetch the commitment at the given position, if it exists.
86    async fn commitment(
87        &mut self,
88        position: Position,
89    ) -> Result<Option<StateCommitment>, Self::Error>;
91    /// Get the full list of all commitments stored, indexed by position.
92    fn commitments(&mut self) -> Self::CommitmentsStream<'_>;
95/// An `async` storage backend capable of writing [`struct@Hash`]es and [`Commitment`]s, and
96/// garbage-collecting those which have been forgotten.
98pub trait AsyncWrite: AsyncRead {
99    /// Write a single hash into storage.
100    ///
101    /// Backends are only *required* to persist hashes marked as `essential`. They may choose to
102    /// persist other hashes, and the choice of which non-essential hashes to persist is
103    /// unconstrained. However, choosing not to persist non-essential hashes imposes computational
104    /// overhead upon deserialization.
105    async fn add_hash(
106        &mut self,
107        position: Position,
108        height: u8,
109        hash: Hash,
110        essential: bool,
111    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
113    /// Write a single commitment into storage.
114    ///
115    /// This should return an error if a commitment is already present at that location; no
116    /// location's value should ever be overwritten.
117    async fn add_commitment(
118        &mut self,
119        position: Position,
120        commitment: StateCommitment,
121    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
123    /// Delete every stored [`struct@Hash`] whose height is less than `below_height` and whose
124    /// position is within the half-open [`Range`] of `positions`, as well as every [`Commitment`]
125    /// whose position is within the range.
126    async fn delete_range(
127        &mut self,
128        below_height: u8,
129        positions: Range<Position>,
130    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
132    /// Set the stored position of the tree.
133    ///
134    /// This should return an error if the position goes backwards.
135    async fn set_position(&mut self, position: StoredPosition) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
137    /// Set the forgotten version of the tree.
138    ///
139    /// This should return an error if the version goes backwards.
140    async fn set_forgotten(&mut self, forgotten: Forgotten) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
143/// A synchronous storage backend capable of reading stored [`struct@Hash`]es and [`Commitment`]s as
144/// well as storing the current [`Position`].
145pub trait Read {
146    /// The error returned when something goes wrong in a request.
147    type Error;
149    /// The type of iterator returned when reading hashes from the database.
150    type HashesIter<'a>: Iterator<Item = Result<(Position, u8, Hash), Self::Error>> + 'a
151    where
152        Self: 'a;
154    /// The type of iterator returned when reading commitments from the database.
155    type CommitmentsIter<'a>: Iterator<Item = Result<(Position, StateCommitment), Self::Error>> + 'a
156    where
157        Self: 'a;
159    /// Fetch the current position stored.
160    fn position(&mut self) -> Result<StoredPosition, Self::Error>;
162    /// Fetch the current forgotten version.
163    fn forgotten(&mut self) -> Result<Forgotten, Self::Error>;
165    /// Fetch a specific hash at the given position and height, if it exists.
166    fn hash(&mut self, position: Position, height: u8) -> Result<Option<Hash>, Self::Error>;
168    /// Get the full list of all internal hashes stored, indexed by position and height.
169    #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)]
170    fn hashes(&mut self) -> Self::HashesIter<'_>;
172    /// Fetch a specific commitment at the given position, if it exists.
173    fn commitment(&mut self, position: Position) -> Result<Option<StateCommitment>, Self::Error>;
175    /// Get the full list of all commitments stored, indexed by position.
176    #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)]
177    fn commitments(&mut self) -> Self::CommitmentsIter<'_>;
180/// A synchronous storage backend capable of writing [`struct@Hash`]es and [`Commitment`]s, and
181/// garbage-collecting those which have been forgotten.
182pub trait Write: Read {
183    /// Write a single hash into storage.
184    ///
185    /// Backends are only *required* to persist hashes marked as `essential`. They may choose to
186    /// persist other hashes, and the choice of which non-essential hashes to persist is
187    /// unconstrained. However, choosing not to persist non-essential hashes imposes computational
188    /// overhead upon deserialization.
189    fn add_hash(
190        &mut self,
191        position: Position,
192        height: u8,
193        hash: Hash,
194        essential: bool,
195    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
197    /// Write a single commitment into storage.
198    ///
199    /// This should return an error if a commitment is already present at that location; no
200    /// location's value should ever be overwritten.
201    fn add_commitment(
202        &mut self,
203        position: Position,
204        commitment: StateCommitment,
205    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
207    /// Delete every stored [`struct@Hash`] whose height is less than `below_height` and whose
208    /// position is within the half-open [`Range`] of `positions`, as well as every [`Commitment`]
209    /// whose position is within the range.
210    fn delete_range(
211        &mut self,
212        below_height: u8,
213        positions: Range<Position>,
214    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
216    /// Set the stored position of the tree.
217    ///
218    /// This should return an error if the position goes backwards.
219    fn set_position(&mut self, position: StoredPosition) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
221    /// Set the forgotten version of the tree.
222    ///
223    /// This should return an error if the version goes backwards.
224    fn set_forgotten(&mut self, forgotten: Forgotten) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
227/// A single update to the underlying storage, as a data type.
228#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
229pub enum Update {
230    /// Set the position of the tree.
231    SetPosition(StoredPosition),
232    /// Set the forgotten version of the tree.
233    SetForgotten(Forgotten),
234    /// Add a commitment to the tree.
235    StoreCommitment(StoreCommitment),
236    /// Add a hash to the tree.
237    StoreHash(StoreHash),
238    /// Delete a range of hashes and commitments from the tree.
239    DeleteRange(DeleteRange),
242/// An update to the underlying storage that constitutes storing a single hash.
243#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
244pub struct StoreHash {
245    /// The position of the hash.
246    pub position: Position,
247    /// The height of the hash.
248    pub height: u8,
249    /// The hash itself.
250    pub hash: Hash,
251    /// Whether the hash is essential to store, or can be dropped at the discretion of the storage backend.
252    pub essential: bool,
255/// An update to the underlying storage that constitutes storing a single commitment.
256#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
257pub struct StoreCommitment {
258    /// The position of the commitment.
259    pub position: Position,
260    /// The commitment itself.
261    pub commitment: StateCommitment,
264/// An update to the underlying storage that constitutes deleting a range of hashes and commitments.
265#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
266pub struct DeleteRange {
267    /// The height strictly below which hashes should be deleted.
268    pub below_height: u8,
269    /// The half-open range of positions within which hashes and commitments should be deleted.
270    pub positions: Range<Position>,
273/// A collection of updates to the underlying storage.
275/// Note that this is both `FromIterator<Update>` and `Iterator<Item = Update>`, so you can
276/// [`.collect()`](Iterator::collect) an `Iterator<Item = Update>` into this type, and you can also
277/// iterate over its contained updates.
278#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
279pub struct Updates {
280    /// The new position to set, if any.
281    pub set_position: Option<StoredPosition>,
282    /// The new forgotten version to set, if any.
283    pub set_forgotten: Option<Forgotten>,
284    /// The new commitments to store.
285    pub store_commitments: Vec<StoreCommitment>,
286    /// The new hashes to store.
287    pub store_hashes: Vec<StoreHash>,
288    /// The ranges of hashes and commitments to delete.
289    pub delete_ranges: Vec<DeleteRange>,
292impl FromIterator<Update> for Updates {
293    fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item = Update>>(iter: I) -> Self {
294        let mut updates = Updates::default();
295        for update in iter {
296            match update {
297                Update::SetPosition(position) => updates.set_position = Some(position),
298                Update::SetForgotten(forgotten) => updates.set_forgotten = Some(forgotten),
299                Update::StoreCommitment(commitment) => updates.store_commitments.push(commitment),
300                Update::StoreHash(hash) => updates.store_hashes.push(hash),
301                Update::DeleteRange(range) => updates.delete_ranges.push(range),
302            }
303        }
304        updates
305    }
308impl Iterator for Updates {
309    type Item = Update;
311    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
312        if let Some(position) = self.set_position.take() {
313            return Some(Update::SetPosition(position));
314        }
315        if let Some(forgotten) = self.set_forgotten.take() {
316            return Some(Update::SetForgotten(forgotten));
317        }
318        if let Some(commitment) = self.store_commitments.pop() {
319            return Some(Update::StoreCommitment(commitment));
320        }
321        if let Some(hash) = self.store_hashes.pop() {
322            return Some(Update::StoreHash(hash));
323        }
324        if let Some(range) = self.delete_ranges.pop() {
325            return Some(Update::DeleteRange(range));
326        }
327        None
328    }