use {
sha2::{Digest, Sha256},
/// A type alias for 20-byte truncated SHA256 validator addresses.
/// This is the format in which [`tendermint::abci::types::CommitInfo`] presents vote information.
pub(crate) type Address = [u8; ADDRESS_LEN];
const ADDRESS_LEN: usize = 20;
/// Translates from consensus keys to the truncated sha256 hashes in `last_commit_info`.
// NOTE: This should really be a refined type upstream, but we can't currently upstream to
// tendermint-rs, for process reasons, and shouldn't do our own tendermint data modeling, so
// this is an interim hack.
pub(crate) fn validator_address(ck: &PublicKey) -> Address {
let ck_bytes = ck.to_bytes();
.expect("Sha256 digest should be 20-bytes long")