
1// This file is @generated by prost-build.
2/// TxResponse defines a structure containing relevant tx data and metadata. The
3/// tags are stringified and the log is JSON decoded.
4#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
5pub struct TxResponse {
6    /// The block height
7    #[prost(int64, tag = "1")]
8    pub height: i64,
9    /// The transaction hash.
10    #[prost(string, tag = "2")]
11    pub txhash: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
12    /// Namespace for the Code
13    #[prost(string, tag = "3")]
14    pub codespace: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
15    /// Response code.
16    #[prost(uint32, tag = "4")]
17    pub code: u32,
18    /// Result bytes, if any.
19    #[prost(string, tag = "5")]
20    pub data: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
21    /// The output of the application's logger (raw string). May be
22    /// non-deterministic.
23    #[prost(string, tag = "6")]
24    pub raw_log: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
25    /// The output of the application's logger (typed). May be non-deterministic.
26    #[prost(message, repeated, tag = "7")]
27    pub logs: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<AbciMessageLog>,
28    /// Additional information. May be non-deterministic.
29    #[prost(string, tag = "8")]
30    pub info: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
31    /// Amount of gas requested for transaction.
32    #[prost(int64, tag = "9")]
33    pub gas_wanted: i64,
34    /// Amount of gas consumed by transaction.
35    #[prost(int64, tag = "10")]
36    pub gas_used: i64,
37    /// The request transaction bytes.
38    #[prost(message, optional, tag = "11")]
39    pub tx: ::core::option::Option<::pbjson_types::Any>,
40    /// Time of the previous block. For heights > 1, it's the weighted median of
41    /// the timestamps of the valid votes in the block.LastCommit. For height == 1,
42    /// it's genesis time.
43    #[prost(string, tag = "12")]
44    pub timestamp: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
45    /// Events defines all the events emitted by processing a transaction. Note,
46    /// these events include those emitted by processing all the messages and those
47    /// emitted from the ante. Whereas Logs contains the events, with
48    /// additional metadata, emitted only by processing the messages.
49    ///
50    /// Since: cosmos-sdk 0.42.11, 0.44.5, 0.45
51    #[prost(message, repeated, tag = "13")]
52    pub events: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<
53        super::super::super::super::tendermint::abci::Event,
54    >,
56impl ::prost::Name for TxResponse {
57    const NAME: &'static str = "TxResponse";
58    const PACKAGE: &'static str = "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1";
59    fn full_name() -> ::prost::alloc::string::String {
60        "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.TxResponse".into()
61    }
62    fn type_url() -> ::prost::alloc::string::String {
63        "/cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.TxResponse".into()
64    }
66/// ABCIMessageLog defines a structure containing an indexed tx ABCI message log.
67#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
68pub struct AbciMessageLog {
69    #[prost(uint32, tag = "1")]
70    pub msg_index: u32,
71    #[prost(string, tag = "2")]
72    pub log: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
73    /// Events contains a slice of Event objects that were emitted during some
74    /// execution.
75    #[prost(message, repeated, tag = "3")]
76    pub events: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<StringEvent>,
78impl ::prost::Name for AbciMessageLog {
79    const NAME: &'static str = "ABCIMessageLog";
80    const PACKAGE: &'static str = "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1";
81    fn full_name() -> ::prost::alloc::string::String {
82        "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.ABCIMessageLog".into()
83    }
84    fn type_url() -> ::prost::alloc::string::String {
85        "/cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.ABCIMessageLog".into()
86    }
88/// StringEvent defines en Event object wrapper where all the attributes
89/// contain key/value pairs that are strings instead of raw bytes.
90#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
91pub struct StringEvent {
92    #[prost(string, tag = "1")]
93    pub r#type: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
94    #[prost(message, repeated, tag = "2")]
95    pub attributes: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<Attribute>,
97impl ::prost::Name for StringEvent {
98    const NAME: &'static str = "StringEvent";
99    const PACKAGE: &'static str = "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1";
100    fn full_name() -> ::prost::alloc::string::String {
101        "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.StringEvent".into()
102    }
103    fn type_url() -> ::prost::alloc::string::String {
104        "/cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.StringEvent".into()
105    }
107/// Attribute defines an attribute wrapper where the key and value are
108/// strings instead of raw bytes.
109#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
110pub struct Attribute {
111    #[prost(string, tag = "1")]
112    pub key: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
113    #[prost(string, tag = "2")]
114    pub value: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
116impl ::prost::Name for Attribute {
117    const NAME: &'static str = "Attribute";
118    const PACKAGE: &'static str = "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1";
119    fn full_name() -> ::prost::alloc::string::String {
120        "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.Attribute".into()
121    }
122    fn type_url() -> ::prost::alloc::string::String {
123        "/cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.Attribute".into()
124    }
126/// GasInfo defines tx execution gas context.
127#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
128pub struct GasInfo {
129    /// GasWanted is the maximum units of work we allow this tx to perform.
130    #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")]
131    pub gas_wanted: u64,
132    /// GasUsed is the amount of gas actually consumed.
133    #[prost(uint64, tag = "2")]
134    pub gas_used: u64,
136impl ::prost::Name for GasInfo {
137    const NAME: &'static str = "GasInfo";
138    const PACKAGE: &'static str = "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1";
139    fn full_name() -> ::prost::alloc::string::String {
140        "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.GasInfo".into()
141    }
142    fn type_url() -> ::prost::alloc::string::String {
143        "/cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.GasInfo".into()
144    }
146/// Result is the union of ResponseFormat and ResponseCheckTx.
147#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
148pub struct Result {
149    /// Data is any data returned from message or handler execution. It MUST be
150    /// length prefixed in order to separate data from multiple message executions.
151    /// Deprecated. This field is still populated, but prefer msg_response instead
152    /// because it also contains the Msg response typeURL.
153    #[deprecated]
154    #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "1")]
155    pub data: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<u8>,
156    /// Log contains the log information from message or handler execution.
157    #[prost(string, tag = "2")]
158    pub log: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
159    /// Events contains a slice of Event objects that were emitted during message
160    /// or handler execution.
161    #[prost(message, repeated, tag = "3")]
162    pub events: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<
163        super::super::super::super::tendermint::abci::Event,
164    >,
165    /// msg_responses contains the Msg handler responses type packed in Anys.
166    ///
167    /// Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46
168    #[prost(message, repeated, tag = "4")]
169    pub msg_responses: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<::pbjson_types::Any>,
171impl ::prost::Name for Result {
172    const NAME: &'static str = "Result";
173    const PACKAGE: &'static str = "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1";
174    fn full_name() -> ::prost::alloc::string::String {
175        "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.Result".into()
176    }
177    fn type_url() -> ::prost::alloc::string::String {
178        "/cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.Result".into()
179    }
181/// SimulationResponse defines the response generated when a transaction is
182/// successfully simulated.
183#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
184pub struct SimulationResponse {
185    #[prost(message, optional, tag = "1")]
186    pub gas_info: ::core::option::Option<GasInfo>,
187    #[prost(message, optional, tag = "2")]
188    pub result: ::core::option::Option<Result>,
190impl ::prost::Name for SimulationResponse {
191    const NAME: &'static str = "SimulationResponse";
192    const PACKAGE: &'static str = "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1";
193    fn full_name() -> ::prost::alloc::string::String {
194        "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.SimulationResponse".into()
195    }
196    fn type_url() -> ::prost::alloc::string::String {
197        "/cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.SimulationResponse".into()
198    }
200/// MsgData defines the data returned in a Result object during message
201/// execution.
202#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
203pub struct MsgData {
204    #[prost(string, tag = "1")]
205    pub msg_type: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
206    #[prost(bytes = "vec", tag = "2")]
207    pub data: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<u8>,
209impl ::prost::Name for MsgData {
210    const NAME: &'static str = "MsgData";
211    const PACKAGE: &'static str = "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1";
212    fn full_name() -> ::prost::alloc::string::String {
213        "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.MsgData".into()
214    }
215    fn type_url() -> ::prost::alloc::string::String {
216        "/cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.MsgData".into()
217    }
219/// TxMsgData defines a list of MsgData. A transaction will have a MsgData object
220/// for each message.
221#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
222pub struct TxMsgData {
223    /// data field is deprecated and not populated.
224    #[deprecated]
225    #[prost(message, repeated, tag = "1")]
226    pub data: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<MsgData>,
227    /// msg_responses contains the Msg handler responses packed into Anys.
228    ///
229    /// Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46
230    #[prost(message, repeated, tag = "2")]
231    pub msg_responses: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<::pbjson_types::Any>,
233impl ::prost::Name for TxMsgData {
234    const NAME: &'static str = "TxMsgData";
235    const PACKAGE: &'static str = "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1";
236    fn full_name() -> ::prost::alloc::string::String {
237        "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.TxMsgData".into()
238    }
239    fn type_url() -> ::prost::alloc::string::String {
240        "/cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.TxMsgData".into()
241    }
243/// SearchTxsResult defines a structure for querying txs pageable
244#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
245pub struct SearchTxsResult {
246    /// Count of all txs
247    #[prost(uint64, tag = "1")]
248    pub total_count: u64,
249    /// Count of txs in current page
250    #[prost(uint64, tag = "2")]
251    pub count: u64,
252    /// Index of current page, start from 1
253    #[prost(uint64, tag = "3")]
254    pub page_number: u64,
255    /// Count of total pages
256    #[prost(uint64, tag = "4")]
257    pub page_total: u64,
258    /// Max count txs per page
259    #[prost(uint64, tag = "5")]
260    pub limit: u64,
261    /// List of txs in current page
262    #[prost(message, repeated, tag = "6")]
263    pub txs: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<TxResponse>,
265impl ::prost::Name for SearchTxsResult {
266    const NAME: &'static str = "SearchTxsResult";
267    const PACKAGE: &'static str = "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1";
268    fn full_name() -> ::prost::alloc::string::String {
269        "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.SearchTxsResult".into()
270    }
271    fn type_url() -> ::prost::alloc::string::String {
272        "/cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.SearchTxsResult".into()
273    }
275/// SearchBlocksResult defines a structure for querying blocks pageable
276#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
277pub struct SearchBlocksResult {
278    /// Count of all blocks
279    #[prost(int64, tag = "1")]
280    pub total_count: i64,
281    /// Count of blocks in current page
282    #[prost(int64, tag = "2")]
283    pub count: i64,
284    /// Index of current page, start from 1
285    #[prost(int64, tag = "3")]
286    pub page_number: i64,
287    /// Count of total pages
288    #[prost(int64, tag = "4")]
289    pub page_total: i64,
290    /// Max count blocks per page
291    #[prost(int64, tag = "5")]
292    pub limit: i64,
293    /// List of blocks in current page
294    #[prost(message, repeated, tag = "6")]
295    pub blocks: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<
296        super::super::super::super::tendermint::types::Block,
297    >,
299impl ::prost::Name for SearchBlocksResult {
300    const NAME: &'static str = "SearchBlocksResult";
301    const PACKAGE: &'static str = "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1";
302    fn full_name() -> ::prost::alloc::string::String {
303        "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.SearchBlocksResult".into()
304    }
305    fn type_url() -> ::prost::alloc::string::String {
306        "/cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1.SearchBlocksResult".into()
307    }