
1use anyhow::{anyhow, Result};
2use penumbra_sdk_transaction::AuthorizationData;
3use rand_core::OsRng;
4use serde::Serialize;
5use tonic::{async_trait, Request, Response, Status};
7use penumbra_sdk_keys::{keys::AddressIndex, Address, FullViewingKey};
8use penumbra_sdk_proto::{custody::v1 as pb, DomainType};
10use crate::{AuthorizeRequest, AuthorizeValidatorDefinitionRequest, AuthorizeValidatorVoteRequest};
12pub use self::config::Config;
13use self::sign::no_signature_response;
14pub use crate::terminal::{SigningRequest, Terminal};
16mod config;
17mod dkg;
18mod sign;
20/// Authorization data returned in response to some signing request, which may be a request to
21/// authorize a transaction, a validator definition, or a validator vote.
22#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
23pub enum SigningResponse {
24    /// Authorization data for a transaction.
25    Transaction(AuthorizationData),
26    /// Authorization signature for a validator definition.
27    ValidatorDefinition(decaf377_rdsa::Signature<decaf377_rdsa::SpendAuth>),
28    /// Authorization signature for a validator vote.
29    ValidatorVote(decaf377_rdsa::Signature<decaf377_rdsa::SpendAuth>),
32impl From<AuthorizationData> for SigningResponse {
33    fn from(msg: AuthorizationData) -> Self {
34        Self::Transaction(msg)
35    }
38fn to_json<T>(data: &T) -> Result<String>
40    T: DomainType,
41    anyhow::Error: From<<T as TryFrom<<T as DomainType>::Proto>>::Error>,
42    <T as DomainType>::Proto: Serialize,
44    Ok(serde_json::to_string(&data.to_proto())?)
47/// Act as a follower in the signing protocol.
49/// All this function does is produce side effects on the terminal, potentially returning
50/// early if the user on the other end did not want to sign the transaction.
51pub async fn follow(
52    config: Option<&Config>,
53    governance_config: Option<&Config>,
54    terminal: &impl Terminal,
55) -> Result<()> {
56    // Round 1
57    terminal.explain("Paste the coordinator's first message:")?;
58    let round1_message = terminal.next_response::<sign::CoordinatorRound1>().await?;
59    // Pick the right config based on the message
60    let config = match round1_message.signing_request() {
61        SigningRequest::TransactionPlan(_) => config.ok_or(anyhow!(
62            "cannot threshold sign transaction using a non-threshold custody backend"
63        ))?,
64        SigningRequest::ValidatorDefinition(_) => config.ok_or(anyhow!(
65            "cannot threshold sign validator definition using a non-threshold custody backend"
66        ))?,
67        SigningRequest::ValidatorVote(_) => governance_config.ok_or(anyhow!(
68            "cannot threshold sign validator vote using a non-threshold validator governance custody backend"
69        ))?,
70    };
71    if !terminal
72        .confirm_request(round1_message.signing_request())
73        .await?
74    {
75        return Ok(());
76    }
77    let (round1_reply, round1_state) = sign::follower_round1(&mut OsRng, config, round1_message)?;
78    terminal.explain("Send this message to the coordinator:")?;
79    terminal.broadcast(&to_json(&round1_reply)?).await?;
80    // Round 2
81    terminal.explain("Paste the coordinator's second message:")?;
82    let round2_message = terminal.next_response::<sign::CoordinatorRound2>().await?;
83    let round2_reply = sign::follower_round2(config, round1_state, round2_message)?;
84    terminal.explain("Send this message to the coordinator:")?;
85    terminal.broadcast(&to_json(&round2_reply)?).await?;
87    Ok(())
90/// A distributed key generation protocol, producing a config without a centralized dealer.
92/// Unlike the deal method on Config, this method will never have any participant know
93/// the key. Otherwise, the parameters controlling the threshold and the number of participants
94/// are the same as that method.
96/// This takes in a terminal, because it requires interacting with the other participants.
97pub async fn dkg(t: u16, n: u16, terminal: &impl Terminal) -> Result<Config> {
98    let expected_responses = n.saturating_sub(1) as usize;
99    // Round 1 top
100    let (round1_message, state) = dkg::round1(&mut OsRng, t, n)?;
101    terminal.explain("Round 1/2: Send this message to all other participants:")?;
102    terminal.broadcast(&to_json(&round1_message)?).await?;
103    // Round 1 bottom
104    terminal.explain(&format!(
105        "Round 1/2: Gather {expected_responses} messages from the other participants:"
106    ))?;
107    let round1_replies = {
108        let mut acc: Vec<dkg::Round1> = Vec::new();
109        while acc.len() < expected_responses {
110            let rsp = terminal.next_response::<dkg::Round1>().await?;
111            // Before we accept, check that the user hasn't double-pasted the same message.
112            if acc
113                .iter()
114                // Inefficient but good enough.
115                .any(|existing| existing.encode_to_vec() == rsp.encode_to_vec())
116            {
117                terminal.explain("Received a duplicate message, ignoring")?;
118                continue;
119            }
120            // Before we accept, check that the user hasn't pasted their own message.
121            if round1_message.encode_to_vec() == rsp.encode_to_vec() {
122                terminal.explain("Received our own outbound message by mistake, ignoring")?;
123                continue;
124            }
125            acc.push(rsp);
126            terminal.explain(&format!(
127                "Received {}/{} responses...",
128                acc.len(),
129                expected_responses
130            ))?;
131        }
132        acc
133    };
135    // Round 2 top
136    let (round2_message, state) = dkg::round2(&mut OsRng, state, round1_replies)?;
137    terminal.explain("Round 2/2: Send this message to all other participants:")?;
138    terminal.broadcast(&to_json(&round2_message)?).await?;
139    // Round 2 bottom
140    terminal.explain(&format!(
141        "Round 2/2: Gather {expected_responses} messages from the other participants:"
142    ))?;
143    let round2_replies = {
144        let mut acc: Vec<dkg::Round2> = Vec::new();
145        while acc.len() < expected_responses {
146            let rsp = terminal.next_response::<dkg::Round2>().await?;
147            // Before we accept, check that the user hasn't double-pasted the same message.
148            if acc
149                .iter()
150                // Inefficient but good enough.
151                .any(|existing| existing.encode_to_vec() == rsp.encode_to_vec())
152            {
153                terminal.explain("Received a duplicate message, ignoring")?;
154                continue;
155            }
156            // Before we accept, check that the user hasn't pasted their own message.
157            if round2_message.encode_to_vec() == rsp.encode_to_vec() {
158                terminal.explain("Received our own outbound message by mistake, ignoring")?;
159                continue;
160            }
161            acc.push(rsp);
162            terminal.explain(&format!(
163                "Received {}/{} responses...",
164                acc.len(),
165                expected_responses
166            ))?;
167        }
168        acc
169    };
170    dkg::round3(&mut OsRng, state, round2_replies)
173/// A custody backend using threshold signing.
175/// This backend is initialized with a full viewing key, but only a share
176/// of the spend key, which is not enough to sign on its own. Instead,
177/// other signers with the same type of configuration need to cooperate
178/// to help produce a signature.
179pub struct Threshold<T> {
180    config: Config,
181    terminal: T,
184impl<T> Threshold<T> {
185    pub fn new(config: Config, terminal: T) -> Self {
186        Threshold { config, terminal }
187    }
190impl<T: Terminal> Threshold<T> {
191    /// Try and create the necessary signatures to authorize the transaction plan.
192    async fn authorize(&self, request: SigningRequest) -> Result<SigningResponse> {
193        // Some requests will have no signatures to gather, so there's no need
194        // to send around empty threshold signature requests.
195        if let Some(out) = no_signature_response(self.config.fvk(), &request)? {
196            return Ok(out);
197        }
198        // Round 1
199        let (round1_message, state1) = sign::coordinator_round1(&mut OsRng, &self.config, request)?;
200        self.terminal
201            .explain("Send this message to the other signers:")?;
202        self.terminal.broadcast(&to_json(&round1_message)?).await?;
203        self.terminal.explain(&format!(
204            "Now, gather at least {} replies from the other signers, and paste them below:",
205            self.config.threshold() - 1
206        ))?;
207        let round1_replies = {
208            let mut acc = Vec::<sign::FollowerRound1>::new();
209            // We need 1 less, since we've already included ourselves.
210            for _ in 1..self.config.threshold() {
211                acc.push(self.terminal.next_response().await?);
212            }
213            acc
214        };
215        // Round 2
216        let (round2_message, state2) =
217            sign::coordinator_round2(&self.config, state1, &round1_replies)?;
218        self.terminal
219            .explain("Send this message to the other signers:")?;
220        self.terminal.broadcast(&to_json(&round2_message)?).await?;
221        self.terminal.explain(
222            "Now, gather the replies from the *same* signers as Round 1, and paste them below:",
223        )?;
224        let round2_replies = {
225            let mut acc = Vec::<sign::FollowerRound2>::new();
226            // We need 1 less, since we've already included ourselves.
227            for _ in 1..self.config.threshold() {
228                acc.push(self.terminal.next_response().await?);
229            }
230            acc
231        };
232        // Round 3
233        sign::coordinator_round3(&self.config, state2, &round2_replies)
234    }
236    /// Return the full viewing key.
237    fn export_full_viewing_key(&self) -> FullViewingKey {
238        self.config.fvk().clone()
239    }
241    /// Get the address associated with an index.
242    ///
243    /// This is just to match the API of the custody trait.
244    fn confirm_address(&self, index: AddressIndex) -> Address {
245        self.config.fvk().payment_address(index).0
246    }
250impl<T: Terminal + Sync + Send + 'static> pb::custody_service_server::CustodyService
251    for Threshold<T>
253    async fn authorize(
254        &self,
255        request: Request<pb::AuthorizeRequest>,
256    ) -> Result<Response<pb::AuthorizeResponse>, Status> {
257        let request: AuthorizeRequest = request
258            .into_inner()
259            .try_into()
260            .map_err(|e| Status::invalid_argument(format!("{e}")))?;
261        let data = self
262            .authorize(SigningRequest::TransactionPlan(request.plan))
263            .await
264            .map_err(|e| {
265                Status::internal(format!(
266                    "Failed to process transaction authorization request: {e}"
267                ))
268            })?;
269        let SigningResponse::Transaction(data) = data else {
270            return Err(Status::internal(
271                "expected transaction authorization but custody service returned another kind of authorization data"
272                    .to_string()
273            ));
274        };
275        Ok(Response::new(pb::AuthorizeResponse {
276            data: Some(data.into()),
277        }))
278    }
280    async fn authorize_validator_definition(
281        &self,
282        request: Request<pb::AuthorizeValidatorDefinitionRequest>,
283    ) -> Result<Response<pb::AuthorizeValidatorDefinitionResponse>, Status> {
284        let request: AuthorizeValidatorDefinitionRequest = request
285            .into_inner()
286            .try_into()
287            .map_err(|e| Status::invalid_argument(format!("{e}")))?;
288        let data = self
289            .authorize(SigningRequest::ValidatorDefinition(
290                request.validator_definition,
291            ))
292            .await
293            .map_err(|e| {
294                Status::internal(format!(
295                    "Failed to process validator definition authorization request: {e}"
296                ))
297            })?;
298        let SigningResponse::ValidatorDefinition(validator_definition_auth) = data else {
299            return Err(Status::internal(
300                "expected validator definition authorization but custody service returned another kind of authorization data".to_string()
301            ));
302        };
303        Ok(Response::new(pb::AuthorizeValidatorDefinitionResponse {
304            validator_definition_auth: Some(validator_definition_auth.into()),
305        }))
306    }
308    async fn authorize_validator_vote(
309        &self,
310        request: Request<pb::AuthorizeValidatorVoteRequest>,
311    ) -> Result<Response<pb::AuthorizeValidatorVoteResponse>, Status> {
312        let request: AuthorizeValidatorVoteRequest = request
313            .into_inner()
314            .try_into()
315            .map_err(|e| Status::invalid_argument(format!("{e}")))?;
316        let data = self
317            .authorize(SigningRequest::ValidatorVote(request.validator_vote))
318            .await
319            .map_err(|e| {
320                Status::internal(format!(
321                    "Failed to process validator vote authorization request: {e}"
322                ))
323            })?;
324        let SigningResponse::ValidatorVote(validator_vote_auth) = data else {
325            return Err(Status::internal(
326                "expected validator vote authorization but custody service returned another kind of authorization data".to_string()
327            ));
328        };
329        Ok(Response::new(pb::AuthorizeValidatorVoteResponse {
330            validator_vote_auth: Some(validator_vote_auth.into()),
331        }))
332    }
334    async fn export_full_viewing_key(
335        &self,
336        _request: Request<pb::ExportFullViewingKeyRequest>,
337    ) -> Result<Response<pb::ExportFullViewingKeyResponse>, Status> {
338        let fvk = self.export_full_viewing_key();
339        Ok(Response::new(pb::ExportFullViewingKeyResponse {
340            full_viewing_key: Some(fvk.into()),
341        }))
342    }
344    async fn confirm_address(
345        &self,
346        request: Request<pb::ConfirmAddressRequest>,
347    ) -> Result<Response<pb::ConfirmAddressResponse>, Status> {
348        let index = request
349            .into_inner()
350            .address_index
351            .ok_or(anyhow!("ConfirmAddressRequest missing address_index"))
352            .and_then(|x| x.try_into())
353            .map_err(|e| Status::invalid_argument(format!("{e}")))?;
354        let address = self.confirm_address(index);
355        Ok(Response::new(pb::ConfirmAddressResponse {
356            address: Some(address.into()),
357        }))
358    }
362mod test {
363    use std::collections::HashMap;
365    use penumbra_sdk_transaction::TransactionPlan;
367    use tokio::sync;
369    use super::*;
371    struct FollowerTerminal {
372        incoming: sync::Mutex<sync::mpsc::Receiver<String>>,
373        outgoing: sync::mpsc::Sender<String>,
374    }
376    #[async_trait]
377    impl Terminal for FollowerTerminal {
378        async fn confirm_request(&self, _request: &SigningRequest) -> Result<bool> {
379            Ok(true)
380        }
382        fn explain(&self, _msg: &str) -> Result<()> {
383            Ok(())
384        }
386        async fn broadcast(&self, data: &str) -> Result<()> {
387            self.outgoing.send(data.to_owned()).await?;
388            Ok(())
389        }
391        async fn read_line_raw(&self) -> Result<String> {
392            Ok(self.incoming.lock().await.recv().await.unwrap_or_default())
393        }
395        async fn get_password(&self) -> Result<String> {
396            Ok(Default::default())
397        }
398    }
400    struct CoordinatorTerminalInner {
401        incoming: Vec<sync::mpsc::Receiver<String>>,
402        i: usize,
403    }
405    impl CoordinatorTerminalInner {
406        async fn recv(&mut self) -> Option<String> {
407            let out = self.incoming[self.i].recv().await;
408            self.i = (self.i + 1) % self.incoming.len();
409            out
410        }
411    }
413    struct CoordinatorTerminal {
414        incoming: sync::Mutex<CoordinatorTerminalInner>,
415        outgoing: Vec<sync::mpsc::Sender<String>>,
416    }
418    #[async_trait]
419    impl Terminal for CoordinatorTerminal {
420        async fn confirm_request(&self, _request: &SigningRequest) -> Result<bool> {
421            Ok(true)
422        }
424        fn explain(&self, _msg: &str) -> Result<()> {
425            Ok(())
426        }
428        async fn broadcast(&self, data: &str) -> Result<()> {
429            for out in &self.outgoing {
430                out.send(data.to_owned()).await?;
431            }
432            Ok(())
433        }
435        async fn read_line_raw(&self) -> Result<String> {
436            Ok(self.incoming.lock().await.recv().await.unwrap_or_default())
437        }
439        async fn get_password(&self) -> Result<String> {
440            Ok(Default::default())
441        }
442    }
444    fn make_terminals(follower_count: usize) -> (CoordinatorTerminal, Vec<FollowerTerminal>) {
445        let mut followers = Vec::new();
446        let mut incoming = Vec::new();
447        let mut outgoing = Vec::new();
448        for _ in 0..follower_count {
449            let (c2f_send, c2f_recv) = sync::mpsc::channel(1);
450            let (f2c_send, f2c_recv) = sync::mpsc::channel(1);
451            followers.push(FollowerTerminal {
452                incoming: sync::Mutex::new(f2c_recv),
453                outgoing: c2f_send,
454            });
455            incoming.push(c2f_recv);
456            outgoing.push(f2c_send);
457        }
458        let coordinator = CoordinatorTerminal {
459            incoming: sync::Mutex::new(CoordinatorTerminalInner { incoming, i: 0 }),
460            outgoing,
461        };
462        (coordinator, followers)
463    }
465    fn make_symmetric_terminals(count: usize) -> Vec<CoordinatorTerminal> {
466        // Make N^2 channels, ignore some of them:
467        let mut sending = HashMap::new();
468        let mut recving = HashMap::new();
469        for i in 0..count {
470            for j in 0..count {
471                let (send, recv) = sync::mpsc::channel(1);
472                sending.insert((i, j), send);
473                recving.insert((i, j), recv);
474            }
475        }
476        let mut out = Vec::new();
477        for i in 0..count {
478            let incoming = (0..count)
479                .filter(|&j| j != i)
480                .map(|j| recving.remove(&(j, i)).unwrap())
481                .collect();
482            let outgoing = (0..count)
483                .filter(|&j| j != i)
484                .map(|j| sending.remove(&(i, j)).unwrap())
485                .collect();
486            let coordinator = CoordinatorTerminal {
487                incoming: sync::Mutex::new(CoordinatorTerminalInner { incoming, i: 0 }),
488                outgoing,
489            };
490            out.push(coordinator);
491        }
492        out
493    }
495    async fn run_dkg(t: u16, n: u16) -> Result<Vec<Config>> {
496        let terminals = make_symmetric_terminals(n as usize);
497        let mut handles = Vec::new();
498        for terminal in terminals {
499            handles.push(tokio::spawn(async move { dkg(t, n, &terminal).await }));
500        }
501        let mut out = Vec::new();
502        for handle in handles {
503            out.push(handle.await??);
504        }
505        Ok(out)
506    }
508    #[tokio::test]
509    async fn test_dkg_produces_identical_fvks() -> Result<()> {
510        const T: u16 = 3;
511        const N: u16 = 3;
512        let (first_config, configs) = {
513            let mut configs = run_dkg(T, N).await?;
514            let first = configs.pop().unwrap();
515            (first, configs)
516        };
517        for config in configs {
518            assert_eq!(first_config.fvk(), config.fvk());
519        }
520        Ok(())
521    }
523    #[tokio::test]
524    async fn test_transaction_signing() -> Result<()> {
525        const TEST_PLAN: &'static str = r#"
527    "actions": [
528        {
529            "output": {
530                "value": {
531                    "amount": {
532                        "lo": "1000000000"
533                    },
534                    "assetId": {
535                        "inner": "KeqcLzNx9qSH5+lcJHBB9KNW+YPrBk5dKzvPMiypahA="
536                    }
537                },
538                "destAddress": {
539                    "inner": "UuFEV0VoZNxNTttsJVJzRqEzW4bm0z2RCxhUneve0KTvDjQipeg/1zx0ftbDjgr6uPiSA70yJIdlpFyxeLyXfAAtmSy6BCpR3YjEkf1bI5Q="
540                },
541                "rseed": "4m4bxumA0sHuonPjr12UnI4CWKj1wuq4y6rrMRb0nw0=",
542                "valueBlinding": "HHS7tY19JuWMwdKJvtKs8AmhMVa7osSpZ+CCBszu/AE=",
543                "proofBlindingR": "FmbXZoh5Pd2mEtiAEkkAZpllWo9pdwTPlXeODBXHUxA=",
544                "proofBlindingS": "0x96kUchW8jFfnxglAoMtvzPT5/RLg2RvfkRKjlU8BA="
545            }
546        },
547        {
548            "spend": {
549                "note": {
550                    "value": {
551                        "amount": {
552                            "lo": "1000000000000"
553                        },
554                        "assetId": {
555                            "inner": "KeqcLzNx9qSH5+lcJHBB9KNW+YPrBk5dKzvPMiypahA="
556                        }
557                    },
558                    "rseed": "3svSxWREwvvVzb2upQuu3Cyr56O2kRbo0nuX4+OWcdc=",
559                    "address": {
560                        "inner": "6146pY5upA9bQa4tag+6hXpMXa2kO5fcicSJGVEUP4HhZt7m4FpwAJ3+qwr5gpbHUON7DigyEJRpeV31FATGdfJhHBzGDWC+CIvi8dyIzGo="
561                    }
562                },
563                "position": "90",
564                "randomizer": "dJvg8FGvw5rJAvtSQvlQ4imLXahVXn419+xroVMLSwA=",
565                "valueBlinding": "Ce1/hBKLEMB/bjEA06b4zUJVEstNUjkDBWM3WrVu+QM=",
566                "proofBlindingR": "gXA7M4VR48IoxKrf4w4jGae2O7OGlTecU/RBXd4g6QI=",
567                "proofBlindingS": "7+Rhrve7mdgsKbkfFq41yfq9+Mx2qRAZDtwP3VUDAAs="
568            }
569        },
570        {
571            "output": {
572                "value": {
573                    "amount": {
574                        "lo": "999000000000"
575                    },
576                    "assetId": {
577                        "inner": "KeqcLzNx9qSH5+lcJHBB9KNW+YPrBk5dKzvPMiypahA="
578                    }
579                },
580                "destAddress": {
581                    "inner": "6146pY5upA9bQa4tag+6hXpMXa2kO5fcicSJGVEUP4HhZt7m4FpwAJ3+qwr5gpbHUON7DigyEJRpeV31FATGdfJhHBzGDWC+CIvi8dyIzGo="
582                },
583                "rseed": "rCTbPc6xWyEcDV73Pl+W6XXbACShVOM+8/vdc7RSLlo=",
584                "valueBlinding": "DP0FN5CV4g9xZN6u2W6/4o6I/Zwr38n81q4YnJ6COAA=",
585                "proofBlindingR": "KV3u8Dc+cZo0HFUIn7n95UkQVXWeYp+3vAVuIpCIZRI=",
586                "proofBlindingS": "i00KyJVklWXUhVRy37N3p9szFIvo7383to/qxBexnBE="
587            }
588        }
589    ],
590    "transactionParameters": {
591        "chainId": "penumbra-testnet-rhea-8b2dfc5c",
592        "fee": {
593            "amount": {}
594        }
595    },
596    "detectionData": {
597        "cluePlans": [
598            {
599                "address": {
600                    "inner": "UuFEV0VoZNxNTttsJVJzRqEzW4bm0z2RCxhUneve0KTvDjQipeg/1zx0ftbDjgr6uPiSA70yJIdlpFyxeLyXfAAtmSy6BCpR3YjEkf1bI5Q="
601                },
602                "rseed": "1Li0Qx05txsyOrx2pfO9kD5rDSUMy9e+j/hHmucqARI="
603            },
604            {
605                "address": {
606                    "inner": "6146pY5upA9bQa4tag+6hXpMXa2kO5fcicSJGVEUP4HhZt7m4FpwAJ3+qwr5gpbHUON7DigyEJRpeV31FATGdfJhHBzGDWC+CIvi8dyIzGo="
607                },
608                "rseed": "ePtCm9/tFcpLBdlgyu8bYRKV5CHbqd823UGDhG1LsGY="
609            }
610        ]
611    },
612    "memo": {
613        "plaintext": {
614            "returnAddress": {
615                "inner": "OB8AEHEehWo0o0/Dn7JtNmgdDX1VRPaDgn6MLl6n41hVjI3llljrTDCFRRjN5mkNwVwsAyJ/UdfjNIFzbGV62YVXfBJ/IMVTq2CNAHwR8Qo="
616            }
617        },
618        "key": "3plOcPZzKKj8KT3sVdKnblUUFDRzCmMWYtgwB3BqfXQ="
619    }
621        "#;
622        const T: u16 = 3;
623        const N: u16 = 3;
625        let (coordinator_config, follower_configs) = {
626            let mut configs = run_dkg(T, N).await?;
627            (configs.pop().unwrap(), configs)
628        };
629        let (coordinator_terminal, follower_terminals) = make_terminals((N - 1) as usize);
630        for (config, terminal) in follower_configs
631            .into_iter()
632            .zip(follower_terminals.into_iter())
633        {
634            tokio::spawn(async move { follow(Some(&config), Some(&config), &terminal).await });
635        }
636        let plan = serde_json::from_str::<TransactionPlan>(TEST_PLAN)?;
637        let fvk = coordinator_config.fvk().clone();
638        let authorization_data = Threshold::new(coordinator_config, coordinator_terminal)
639            .authorize(SigningRequest::TransactionPlan(plan.clone()))
640            .await?;
641        let tx_authorization_data = match authorization_data {
642            SigningResponse::Transaction(tx) => tx,
643            _ => panic!("expected transaction authorization data"),
644        };
645        assert_eq!(
646            plan.effect_hash(&fvk)?,
647            tx_authorization_data
648                .effect_hash
649                .expect("effect hash not present")
650        );
651        // The transaction plan only has spends
652        for (randomizer, sig) in plan
653            .spend_plans()
654            .map(|x| x.randomizer)
655            .zip(tx_authorization_data.spend_auths)
656        {
657            fvk.spend_verification_key().randomize(&randomizer).verify(
658                tx_authorization_data
659                    .effect_hash
660                    .expect("effect hash not present")
661                    .as_bytes(),
662                &sig,
663            )?;
664        }
665        Ok(())
666    }