1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251
//! Command-line interface utilities for the `pd` daemon.
use {
clap::{Parser, Subcommand},
std::{net::SocketAddr, path::PathBuf},
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
#[clap(name = "pd", about = "The Penumbra daemon.", version)]
pub struct Opt {
/// Command to run.
pub cmd: RootCommand,
#[derive(Debug, Subcommand)]
pub enum RootCommand {
/// Starts the Penumbra daemon.
Start {
/// The path used to store all `pd`-related data and configuration.
/// If unset, defaults to ~/.penumbra/network_data/node0/pd.
#[clap(long, env = "PENUMBRA_PD_HOME", display_order = 100)]
home: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Bind the ABCI server to this socket.
/// The ABCI server is used by Tendermint to drive the application state.
default_value = "",
display_order = 400
// TODO: Add support for Unix domain sockets, available in tower-abci >=0.10.0
abci_bind: SocketAddr,
/// Bind the gRPC server to this socket.
/// The gRPC server supports both grpc (HTTP/2) and grpc-web (HTTP/1.1) clients.
/// If `grpc_auto_https` is set, this defaults to `` and uses HTTPS.
/// If `grpc_auto_https` is not set, this defaults to `` without HTTPS.
#[clap(short, long, env = "PENUMBRA_PD_GRPC_BIND", display_order = 201)]
grpc_bind: Option<SocketAddr>,
/// If set, serve gRPC using auto-managed HTTPS with this domain name.
/// NOTE: This option automatically provisions TLS certificates from
/// Let's Encrypt and caches them in the `home` directory. The
/// production LE CA has rate limits, so be careful using this option
/// with `pd network unsafe-reset-all`, which will delete the certificates
/// and force re-issuance, possibly hitting the rate limit. See the
/// `--acme-staging` option.
#[clap(long, value_name = "DOMAIN", display_order = 200)]
grpc_auto_https: Option<String>,
/// Enable use of the LetsEncrypt ACME staging API (https://letsencrypt.org/docs/staging-environment/),
/// which is more forgiving of ratelimits. Set this option to `true`
/// if you're trying out the `--grpc-auto-https` option for the first time,
/// to validate your configuration, before subjecting yourself to production
/// ratelimits. This option has no effect if `--grpc-auto-https` is not set.
#[clap(long, display_order = 201)]
acme_staging: bool,
/// Bind the metrics endpoint to this socket.
default_value = "",
display_order = 300
metrics_bind: SocketAddr,
/// The JSON-RPC address of the CometBFT node driving this `pd`
/// instance.
/// This is used to proxy requests from the gRPC server to CometBFT,
/// so clients only need to connect to one endpoint and don't need to
/// worry about the peculiarities of CometBFT's JSON-RPC encoding
/// format.
default_value = "",
display_order = 401,
// Support old arg name for a while, as we migrate Tendermint -> CometBFT.
alias = "tendermint-addr",
cometbft_addr: Url,
/// Enable expensive RPCs, currently a no-op.
#[clap(short, long, display_order = 500)]
enable_expensive_rpc: bool,
/// Generate, join, or reset a network.
Network {
/// Path to directory to store output in. Must not exist. Defaults to
/// ~/.penumbra/network_data".
network_dir: Option<PathBuf>,
net_cmd: NetworkCommand,
/// Export the storage state the full node.
Export {
/// The home directory of the full node.
#[clap(long, env = "PENUMBRA_PD_HOME", display_order = 100)]
home: PathBuf,
/// The directory where the exported node state will be written.
#[clap(long, display_order = 200, alias = "export-path")]
export_directory: PathBuf,
/// An optional filepath for a compressed archive containing the exported
/// node state, e.g. ~/pd-backup.tar.gz.
#[clap(long, display_order = 200)]
export_archive: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Whether to prune the JMT tree.
#[clap(long, display_order = 300)]
prune: bool,
/// Run a migration before resuming post-upgrade.
Migrate {
/// The home directory of the full node.
/// Migration is performed in-place on the home directory.
#[clap(long, env = "PENUMBRA_PD_HOME", display_order = 100)]
home: Option<PathBuf>,
/// If set, also migrate the CometBFT state located in this home directory.
/// If both `--home` and `--comet-home` are unset, will attempt to migrate
/// CometBFT state alongside the auto-located `pd` state.
// Note: this does _NOT_ use an env var because we are trying to
// get explicit consent to muck around in another daemon's state.
#[clap(long, display_order = 200)]
comet_home: Option<PathBuf>,
/// If set, force a migration to occur even if the chain is not halted.
/// Will not override a detected mismatch in state versions, or on signs
/// of corruption. This is "expert mode" and potentially destructive.
#[clap(long, display_order = 1000)]
force: bool,
/// If set, edit local state to permit the node to start, despite
/// a pre-existing halt order, e.g. via governance. This option
/// can be useful for relayer operators, to run a temporary archive node
/// across upgrade boundaries.
#[clap(long, display_order = 1000)]
ready_to_start: bool,
#[derive(Debug, Subcommand)]
pub enum NetworkCommand {
/// Generates a directory structure containing necessary files to create a new
/// network config from genesis, based on input configuration.
Generate {
/// The `timeout_commit` parameter (block interval) to configure Tendermint with.
timeout_commit: Option<tendermint::Timeout>,
/// Number of blocks per epoch.
epoch_duration: Option<u64>,
/// Number of blocks that must elapse before unbonding stake is released.
unbonding_delay: Option<u64>,
/// Maximum number of validators in the consensus set.
active_validator_limit: Option<u64>,
/// Whether to preserve the chain ID (useful for public networks) or append a random suffix (useful for dev/testing).
preserve_chain_id: bool,
/// Path to CSV file containing initial allocations [default: latest testnet].
#[clap(long, parse(from_os_str))]
allocations_input_file: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Penumbra wallet address to include in genesis allocations.
/// Intended to make dev experience nicer on first run:
/// generate a wallet, view its address, then generate a devnet
/// with that address included in the base allocations.
allocation_address: Option<penumbra_sdk_keys::Address>,
#[clap(long, parse(from_os_str))]
/// Path to JSON file containing initial validator configs [default: latest testnet].
validators_input_file: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Testnet name [default: latest testnet].
chain_id: Option<String>,
/// The duration, in number of blocks, that a governance proposal
/// can be voted on.
proposal_voting_blocks: Option<u64>,
/// The fixed gas price for all transactions on the network.
/// Described as "simple" because the single value will be reused
/// for all gas price types: block space, compact block space, verification, and execution.
/// The numeric value is one-thousandths of the base unit of the fee token,
/// so `--gas-price-simple=1000` means all resources will have a cost of 1upenumbra.
gas_price_simple: Option<u64>,
/// Base hostname for a validator's p2p service. If multiple validators
/// exist in the genesis, e.g. via `--validators-input-file`, then
/// numeric suffixes are automatically added, e.g. "-0", "-1", etc.
/// Helpful for when you know the validator DNS names ahead of time,
/// e.g. in Kubernetes service addresses. These option is most useful
/// to provide peering on a private network setup. If you plan to expose
/// the validator P2P services to the internet, see the `--external-addresses` option.
peer_address_template: Option<String>,
/// Public addresses and ports for the Tendermint P2P services of the genesis
/// validator. Accepts comma-separated values, to support multiple validators.
/// If `--validators-input-file` is used to increase the number
/// of validators, and the `--external-addresses` flag is set, then the number of
/// external addresses must equal the number of validators. See the
/// `--peer-address-template` flag if you don't plan to expose the network
/// to public peers.
// TODO we should support DNS names here. However, there are complications:
// https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/issues/1521
external_addresses: Option<String>,
/// Like `network generate`, but joins the network to which the specified node belongs.
/// Requires a URL for the CometBFT RPC for the bootstrap node.
Join {
/// URL of the remote CometBFT RPC endpoint for bootstrapping connection.
#[clap(env = "PENUMBRA_PD_JOIN_URL")]
node: Url,
/// Optional URL of archived node state in .tar.gz format. The archive will be
/// downloaded and extracted locally, allowing the node to join a network at a block height
/// higher than 0. Supports loading the archive from a local file, if set with file scheme
/// explicitly, e.g. `file:///path/to/archive.tar.gz`.
#[clap(long, env = "PENUMBRA_PD_ARCHIVE_URL")]
archive_url: Option<Url>,
/// Human-readable name to identify node on network
// Default: 'node-#'
#[clap(long, env = "PENUMBRA_PD_TM_EXTERNAL_ADDR")]
moniker: Option<String>,
/// Public URL to advertise for this node's Tendermint P2P service.
/// Setting this option will instruct other nodes on the network to connect
/// to yours. Must be in the form of a socket, e.g. "".
#[clap(long, env = "PENUMBRA_PD_TM_EXTERNAL_ADDR")]
external_address: Option<SocketAddr>,
/// When generating Tendermint config, use this socket to bind the Tendermint RPC service.
#[clap(long, env = "PENUMBRA_PD_TM_RPC_BIND", default_value = "")]
tendermint_rpc_bind: SocketAddr,
/// When generating Tendermint config, use this socket to bind the Tendermint P2P service.
#[clap(long, env = "PENUMBRA_PD_TM_P2P_BIND", default_value = "")]
tendermint_p2p_bind: SocketAddr,
/// Leave the downloaded archive file on disk after extraction.
#[clap(long, env = "PENUMBRA_PD_LEAVE_ARCHIVE", action)]
leave_archive: bool,
/// Reset all `pd` network state. This is a destructive action!
UnsafeResetAll {},