
1// Copyright (c) The Diem Core Contributors
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4//! This module has definition of various proofs.
5use core::marker::PhantomData;
7use super::{SparseMerkleInternalNode, SparseMerkleLeafNode, SparseMerkleNode};
8use crate::{
9    storage::Node,
10    types::nibble::nibble_path::{skip_common_prefix, NibblePath},
11    Bytes32Ext, KeyHash, RootHash, SimpleHasher, ValueHash, SPARSE_MERKLE_PLACEHOLDER_HASH,
13use alloc::vec::Vec;
14use anyhow::{bail, ensure, format_err, Result};
15use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
17/// A proof that can be used to authenticate an element in a Sparse Merkle Tree given trusted root
18/// hash. For example, `TransactionInfoToAccountProof` can be constructed on top of this structure.
19#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, borsh::BorshSerialize, borsh::BorshDeserialize)]
20pub struct SparseMerkleProof<H: SimpleHasher> {
21    /// This proof can be used to authenticate whether a given leaf exists in the tree or not.
22    ///     - If this is `Some(leaf_node)`
23    ///         - If `leaf_node.key` equals requested key, this is an inclusion proof and
24    ///           `leaf_node.value_hash` equals the hash of the corresponding account blob.
25    ///         - Otherwise this is a non-inclusion proof. `leaf_node.key` is the only key
26    ///           that exists in the subtree and `leaf_node.value_hash` equals the hash of the
27    ///           corresponding account blob.
28    ///     - If this is `None`, this is also a non-inclusion proof which indicates the subtree is
29    ///       empty.
30    // Prevent serde from adding a spurious Serialize/Deserialize bound on H
31    #[serde(bound(serialize = "", deserialize = ""))]
32    leaf: Option<SparseMerkleLeafNode>,
34    /// All siblings in this proof, including the default ones. Siblings are ordered from the bottom
35    /// level to the root level. The siblings contain the node type information to be able to efficiently
36    /// coalesce on deletes.
37    siblings: Vec<SparseMerkleNode>,
39    /// A marker type showing which hash function is used in this proof.
40    #[borsh(bound(serialize = "", deserialize = ""))]
41    phantom_hasher: PhantomData<H>,
44// Deriving Debug fails since H is not Debug though phantom_hasher implements it
45// generically. Implement Debug manually as a workaround to enable Proptest
46impl<H: SimpleHasher> core::fmt::Debug for SparseMerkleProof<H> {
47    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
48        f.debug_struct("SparseMerkleProof")
49            .field("leaf", &self.leaf)
50            .field("siblings", &self.siblings)
51            .field("phantom_hasher", &self.phantom_hasher)
52            .finish()
53    }
56// Manually implement PartialEq to circumvent [incorrect auto-bounds](
57// TODO: Switch back to #[derive] once the perfect_derive feature lands
58impl<H: SimpleHasher> PartialEq for SparseMerkleProof<H> {
59    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
60        self.leaf == other.leaf && self.siblings == other.siblings
61    }
64// Manually implement Clone to circumvent [incorrect auto-bounds](
65// TODO: Switch back to #[derive] once the perfect_derive feature lands
66impl<H: SimpleHasher> Clone for SparseMerkleProof<H> {
67    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
68        Self {
69            leaf: self.leaf.clone(),
70            siblings: self.siblings.clone(),
71            phantom_hasher: Default::default(),
72        }
73    }
76impl<H: SimpleHasher> SparseMerkleProof<H> {
77    /// Constructs a new `SparseMerkleProof` using leaf and a list of siblings.
78    pub(crate) fn new(leaf: Option<SparseMerkleLeafNode>, siblings: Vec<SparseMerkleNode>) -> Self {
79        SparseMerkleProof {
80            leaf,
81            siblings,
82            phantom_hasher: Default::default(),
83        }
84    }
86    /// Returns the leaf node in this proof.
87    pub fn leaf(&self) -> Option<SparseMerkleLeafNode> {
88        self.leaf.clone()
89    }
91    /// Returns the list of siblings in this proof.
92    pub(crate) fn siblings(&self) -> &[SparseMerkleNode] {
93        &self.siblings
94    }
96    pub(crate) fn take_siblings(self) -> Vec<SparseMerkleNode> {
97        self.siblings
98    }
100    /// Verifies an element whose key is `element_key` and value is
101    /// `element_value` exists in the Sparse Merkle Tree using the provided proof.
102    pub fn verify_existence<V: AsRef<[u8]>>(
103        &self,
104        expected_root_hash: RootHash,
105        element_key: KeyHash,
106        element_value: V,
107    ) -> Result<()> {
108        self.verify(expected_root_hash, element_key, Some(element_value))
109    }
111    /// Verifies the proof is a valid non-inclusion proof that shows this key doesn't exist in the
112    /// tree.
113    pub fn verify_nonexistence(
114        &self,
115        expected_root_hash: RootHash,
116        element_key: KeyHash,
117    ) -> Result<()> {
118        self.verify(expected_root_hash, element_key, None::<&[u8]>)
119    }
121    /// If `element_value` is present, verifies an element whose key is `element_key` and value is
122    /// `element_value` exists in the Sparse Merkle Tree using the provided proof. Otherwise
123    /// verifies the proof is a valid non-inclusion proof that shows this key doesn't exist in the
124    /// tree.
125    pub fn verify<V: AsRef<[u8]>>(
126        &self,
127        expected_root_hash: RootHash,
128        element_key: KeyHash,
129        element_value: Option<V>,
130    ) -> Result<()> {
131        ensure!(
132            self.siblings.len() <= 256,
133            "Sparse Merkle Tree proof has more than {} ({}) siblings.",
134            256,
135            self.siblings.len(),
136        );
138        match (element_value, self.leaf.clone()) {
139            (Some(value), Some(leaf)) => {
140                // This is an inclusion proof, so the key and value hash provided in the proof
141                // should match element_key and element_value_hash. `siblings` should prove the
142                // route from the leaf node to the root.
143                ensure!(
144                    element_key == leaf.key_hash,
145                    "Keys do not match. Key in proof: {:?}. Expected key: {:?}.",
146                    leaf.key_hash,
147                    element_key
148                );
149                let hash: ValueHash = ValueHash::with::<H>(value);
150                ensure!(
151                    hash == leaf.value_hash,
152                    "Value hashes do not match. Value hash in proof: {:?}. \
153                     Expected value hash: {:?}",
154                    leaf.value_hash,
155                    hash,
156                );
157            }
158            (Some(_value), None) => bail!("Expected inclusion proof. Found non-inclusion proof."),
159            (None, Some(leaf)) => {
160                // This is a non-inclusion proof. The proof intends to show that if a leaf node
161                // representing `element_key` is inserted, it will break a currently existing leaf
162                // node represented by `proof_key` into a branch. `siblings` should prove the
163                // route from that leaf node to the root.
164                ensure!(
165                    element_key != leaf.key_hash,
166                    "Expected non-inclusion proof, but key exists in proof.",
167                );
168                ensure!(
169                    element_key.0.common_prefix_bits_len(&leaf.key_hash.0) >= self.siblings.len(),
170                    "Key would not have ended up in the subtree where the provided key in proof \
171                     is the only existing key, if it existed. So this is not a valid \
172                     non-inclusion proof.",
173                );
174            }
175            (None, None) => {
176                // This is a non-inclusion proof. The proof intends to show that if a leaf node
177                // representing `element_key` is inserted, it will show up at a currently empty
178                // position. `sibling` should prove the route from this empty position to the root.
179            }
180        }
182        let current_hash = self
183            .leaf
184            .clone()
185            .map_or(SPARSE_MERKLE_PLACEHOLDER_HASH, |leaf| leaf.hash::<H>());
186        let actual_root_hash = self
187            .siblings
188            .iter()
189            .zip(
190                element_key
191                    .0
192                    .iter_bits()
193                    .rev()
194                    .skip(256 - self.siblings.len()),
195            )
196            .fold(current_hash, |hash, (sibling_node, bit)| {
197                if bit {
198                    SparseMerkleInternalNode::new(sibling_node.hash::<H>(), hash).hash::<H>()
199                } else {
200                    SparseMerkleInternalNode::new(hash, sibling_node.hash::<H>()).hash::<H>()
201                }
202            });
204        ensure!(
205            actual_root_hash == expected_root_hash.0,
206            "Root hashes do not match. Actual root hash: {:?}. Expected root hash: {:?}.",
207            actual_root_hash,
208            expected_root_hash.0,
209        );
211        Ok(())
212    }
214    /// This function computes a new merkle path on split insertion (ie when inserting a new value creates
215    /// a key split).
216    ///
217    /// Add the correct siblings of the new merkle path by finding the splitting nibble and
218    /// adding the default leaves to the path
219    ///
220    /// To compute the number of default leaves we need to add, we need to:
221    /// - Compute the number of default leaves to separate the old leaf from the new leaf in the last nibble
222    /// - Compute the number of default leaves to traverse the common prefix
223    /// - Compute the number of default leaves remaining to select the former old leaf in the former last nibble
224    /// (this leaf becomes an internal node, hence the path needs to be fully specified)
225    fn compute_new_merkle_path_on_split<V: AsRef<[u8]>>(
226        mut self,
227        leaf_node: SparseMerkleLeafNode,
228        new_element_key: KeyHash,
229        new_element_value: V,
230    ) -> SparseMerkleProof<H> {
231        let new_key_path = NibblePath::new(new_element_key.0.to_vec());
232        let old_key_path = NibblePath::new(leaf_node.key_hash.0.to_vec());
234        // The verify_nonexistence check from before ensure that the common prefix nibbles_len is greater than the
235        // siblings len
236        let mut new_key_nibbles = new_key_path.nibbles();
237        let mut old_key_nibbles = old_key_path.nibbles();
239        let common_prefix_len = skip_common_prefix(&mut new_key_nibbles, &mut old_key_nibbles);
241        let num_siblings = self.siblings().len();
243        // The number of default leaves we need to add to the path.
244        let default_leaves_to_add_to_the_path =
245            ((4 * (common_prefix_len + 1) - num_siblings) / 4) * 4;
247        // This variable contains the number of default siblings that are inserted within the last nibble subtree to distinguish
248        // between the former and the new key. Since we are splitting the former key, we are creating a new level of the jmt
249        // that only contains the new and the former key. When converted into a binary tree, we need to add default leaves to
250        // reach the binary tree level that can distinguish the two keys. This amounts adding as many default leaves as there
251        // are bits in common in the last nibble of both keys.
252        let mut default_siblings_leaf_nibble = 0;
254        // We can safely unwrap these values as the check have been already performed in verify_nonexistence
255        let mut new_key_bits = new_key_nibbles.bits();
256        let mut old_key_bits = old_key_nibbles.bits();
258        // Hence, we have to add the number of bits in common in both keys.
259        while == {
260            default_siblings_leaf_nibble += 1;
261        }
263        // The number of default leaves we need to add to the previous root. When splitting a leaf node, we create a new internal node
264        // in place of the former leaf that has two leaf children. Hence we need to add some default siblings because the leaf node may
265        // not be at the last level of the subtree of the last nibble.
266        // To get this number, we need to take the number of siblings modulo 4 (this yields the hight of the splitted leaf in the last binary subtree,
267        // or the number of bits in the last nibble of the splitted leaf), substract it to 4 (to get the number of bits needed to complete the last nibble)
268        // and then take the result modulo 4 (in case num_siblings % 4 is zero, which happens when the leaf is at the lowest height of the last binary subtree).
269        let default_siblings_prev_root = (4 - (num_siblings % 4)) % 4;
271        let num_default_siblings = default_siblings_prev_root
272            + default_leaves_to_add_to_the_path
273            + default_siblings_leaf_nibble
274            - 4;
276        let mut new_siblings: Vec<SparseMerkleNode> = Vec::with_capacity(
277            num_default_siblings + 1 + self.siblings.len(), /* The default siblings, the current leaf that becomes a sibling and the former siblings */
278        );
280        // Add the previous leaf node
281        new_siblings.push(SparseMerkleNode::Leaf(SparseMerkleLeafNode {
282            key_hash: leaf_node.key_hash,
283            value_hash: leaf_node.value_hash,
284        }));
286        // Fill the siblings with the former default siblings
287        new_siblings.resize(num_default_siblings + 1, SparseMerkleNode::Null);
289        // Finally add the other siblings
290        new_siblings.append(&mut self.siblings);
292        // Step 2: we compute the new Merkle path (we build a new [`SparseMerkleProof`] object)
293        // In this case the siblings are left unchanged, only the leaf value is updated
294        SparseMerkleProof::new(
295            Some(SparseMerkleLeafNode::new(
296                new_element_key,
297                ValueHash::with::<H>(new_element_value),
298            )),
299            new_siblings,
300        )
301    }
303    /// Checks the old value against the root hash and computes the new root hash based on
304    /// the new key value pair
305    fn check_compute_new_root<V: AsRef<[u8]>>(
306        self,
307        old_root_hash: RootHash,
308        new_element_key: KeyHash,
309        new_element_value: Option<V>,
310    ) -> Result<RootHash> {
311        if let Some(new_element_value) = new_element_value {
312            // A value have been supplied, we need to prove that we inserted a given value at the new key
314            match self.leaf {
315                // In the case there is a leaf in the Merkle path, we check that this leaf exists in the tree
316                // The inserted key is going to update an existing leaf
317                Some(leaf_node) => {
318                    // First verify that the old merkle path is valid
319                    ensure!(self.root_hash() == old_root_hash);
320                    if new_element_key == leaf_node.key_hash {
321                        // Step 2: we compute the new Merkle path (we build a new [`SparseMerkleProof`] object)
322                        // In this case the siblings are left unchanged, only the leaf value is updated
323                        let new_merkle_path: SparseMerkleProof<H> = SparseMerkleProof::new(
324                            Some(SparseMerkleLeafNode::new(
325                                new_element_key,
326                                ValueHash::with::<H>(new_element_value),
327                            )),
328                            self.siblings,
329                        );
331                        // Step 3: we compute the new Merkle root
332                        Ok(new_merkle_path.root_hash())
333                    } else {
334                        let new_merkle_path = self.compute_new_merkle_path_on_split(
335                            leaf_node,
336                            new_element_key,
337                            new_element_value,
338                        );
340                        // Step 3: we compute the new Merkle root
341                        Ok(new_merkle_path.root_hash())
342                    }
343                }
345                // There is no leaf in the Merkle path, which means the key we are going to insert does not update an existing leaf
346                None => {
347                    ensure!(self
348                        .verify_nonexistence(old_root_hash, new_element_key)
349                        .is_ok());
351                    // Step 2: we compute the new Merkle path (we build a new [`SparseMerkleProof`] object)
352                    // In that case, the leaf is none so we don't need to change the siblings
353                    let new_merkle_path: SparseMerkleProof<H> = SparseMerkleProof::new(
354                        Some(SparseMerkleLeafNode::new(
355                            new_element_key,
356                            ValueHash::with::<H>(new_element_value),
357                        )),
358                        self.siblings,
359                    );
361                    // Step 3: we compute the new Merkle root
362                    Ok(new_merkle_path.root_hash())
363                }
364            }
365        } else {
366            // No value supplied, we need to prove that the previous value was deleted
367            if let Some(leaf_node) = self.leaf {
368                ensure!(self.root_hash() == old_root_hash);
369                ensure!(
370                    new_element_key == leaf_node.key_hash,
371                    "Key {:?} to remove doesn't match the leaf key {:?} supplied with the proof",
372                    new_element_key,
373                    leaf_node.key_hash
374                );
376                // Step 2: we compute the new Merkle tree path.
377                // In case of deletion, we need to rewind the nibble until we reach the first non-default hash
378                // to simulate node coalescing.
379                // Then, when we reach the first non-default hash, we have to compute the new merkle path
380                // We have two different cases:
381                // - the first non-default sibling is an internal node: we don't apply coalescing.
382                // - the first non-default sibling is a leaf node: we apply coalescing
383                let mut siblings_it = self.siblings.into_iter().peekable();
384                let mut next_non_default_sib = SparseMerkleNode::Null;
385                while let Some(next_sibling) = siblings_it.peek() {
386                    if *next_sibling != SparseMerkleNode::Null {
387                        next_non_default_sib = *next_sibling;
388                        break;
389                    }
390          ;
391                }
393                let new_merkle_hash = match next_non_default_sib {
394                    SparseMerkleNode::Internal(_) => {
395                        // We need to keep the internal node in the iterator and simply compute the merkle path using the
396                        // default leave as the root
397                        let remaining_siblings_len = siblings_it.len();
399                        // If the sibling is an internal node, it doesn't get coalesced after deletion.
400                        RootHash(
401                            siblings_it
402                                .zip(
403                                    new_element_key
404                                        .0
405                                        .iter_bits()
406                                        .rev()
407                                        .skip(256 - remaining_siblings_len),
408                                )
409                                .fold(Node::new_null().hash::<H>(), |hash, (sibling_node, bit)| {
410                                    if bit {
411                                        SparseMerkleInternalNode::new(
412                                            sibling_node.hash::<H>(),
413                                            hash,
414                                        )
415                                        .hash::<H>()
416                                    } else {
417                                        SparseMerkleInternalNode::new(
418                                            hash,
419                                            sibling_node.hash::<H>(),
420                                        )
421                                        .hash::<H>()
422                                    }
423                                }),
424                        )
425                    }
426                    SparseMerkleNode::Leaf(_) => {
427                        // We need to remove the leaf from the iterator
428              ;
430                        // We have to remove the default leaves left in the siblings before the next root: coalescing
431                        while let Some(next_sibling) = siblings_it.peek() {
432                            if *next_sibling != SparseMerkleNode::Null {
433                                break;
434                            }
435                  ;
436                        }
438                        let remaining_siblings_len = siblings_it.len();
440                        // If the sibling is a leaf, we need to start computing the merkle hash from the leaf value
441                        // because the node gets coalesced
442                        RootHash(
443                            siblings_it
444                                .zip(
445                                    new_element_key
446                                        .0
447                                        .iter_bits()
448                                        .rev()
449                                        .skip(256 - remaining_siblings_len),
450                                )
451                                .fold(
452                                    next_non_default_sib.hash::<H>(),
453                                    |hash, (sibling_node, bit)| {
454                                        if bit {
455                                            SparseMerkleInternalNode::new(
456                                                sibling_node.hash::<H>(),
457                                                hash,
458                                            )
459                                            .hash::<H>()
460                                        } else {
461                                            SparseMerkleInternalNode::new(
462                                                hash,
463                                                sibling_node.hash::<H>(),
464                                            )
465                                            .hash::<H>()
466                                        }
467                                    },
468                                ),
469                        )
471                        // Step 3: we compute the new Merkle root
472                    }
473                    SparseMerkleNode::Null => RootHash(SPARSE_MERKLE_PLACEHOLDER_HASH),
474                };
476                Ok(new_merkle_hash)
477            } else {
478                // We just return the old root hash if we try to remove the empty node
479                // because there isn't any changes to the merkle tree
480                Ok(old_root_hash)
481            }
482        }
483    }
485    pub fn root_hash(&self) -> RootHash {
486        let current_hash = self
487            .leaf
488            .clone()
489            .map_or(SPARSE_MERKLE_PLACEHOLDER_HASH, |leaf| leaf.hash::<H>());
490        let actual_root_hash = self
491            .siblings
492            .iter()
493            .zip(
494                self.leaf()
495                    .expect("need leaf hash for root_hash")
496                    .key_hash
497                    .0
498                    .iter_bits()
499                    .rev()
500                    .skip(256 - self.siblings.len()),
501            )
502            .fold(current_hash, |hash, (sibling_node, bit)| {
503                if bit {
504                    SparseMerkleInternalNode::new(sibling_node.hash::<H>(), hash).hash::<H>()
505                } else {
506                    SparseMerkleInternalNode::new(hash, sibling_node.hash::<H>()).hash::<H>()
507                }
508            });
510        RootHash(actual_root_hash)
511    }
514#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, borsh::BorshSerialize, borsh::BorshDeserialize)]
515pub struct UpdateMerkleProof<H: SimpleHasher>(
516    #[borsh(bound(serialize = "", deserialize = ""))] Vec<SparseMerkleProof<H>>,
519impl<H: SimpleHasher> UpdateMerkleProof<H> {
520    pub fn new(merkle_proofs: Vec<SparseMerkleProof<H>>) -> Self {
521        UpdateMerkleProof(merkle_proofs)
522    }
524    /// Verifies an update of the [`JellyfishMerkleTree`], proving the transition from an `old_root_hash` to a `new_root_hash` ([`RootHash`])
525    /// Multiple cases to handle:
526    ///    - Insert a tuple `new_element_key`, `new_element_value`
527    ///    - Update a tuple `new_element_key`, `new_element_value`
528    ///    - Delete the `new_element_key`
529    /// This function does the following high level operations:
530    ///    1. Verify the Merkle path provided against the `old_root_hash`
531    ///    2. Use the provided Merkle path and the tuple (`new_element_key`, `new_element_value`) to compute the new Merkle path.
532    ///    3. Compare the new Merkle path against the new_root_hash
533    /// If these steps are verified then the [`JellyfishMerkleTree`] has been soundly updated
534    ///
535    /// This function consumes the Merkle proof to avoid uneccessary copying.
536    pub fn verify_update<V: AsRef<[u8]>>(
537        self,
538        old_root_hash: RootHash,
539        new_root_hash: RootHash,
540        updates: impl AsRef<[(KeyHash, Option<V>)]>,
541    ) -> Result<()> {
542        let updates = updates.as_ref();
543        ensure!(
544            updates.len() == self.0.len(),
545            "Mismatched number of updates and proofs. Received {} proofs for {} updates",
546            self.0.len(),
547            updates.len()
548        );
549        let mut curr_root_hash = old_root_hash;
551        for (merkle_proof, (new_element_key, new_element_value)) in
552            self.0.into_iter().zip(updates.iter())
553        {
554            // Checks the old root hash and computes the new root
555            curr_root_hash = merkle_proof.check_compute_new_root(
556                curr_root_hash,
557                *new_element_key,
558                new_element_value.as_ref(),
559            )?;
560        }
562        ensure!(
563            curr_root_hash == new_root_hash,
564            "Root hashes do not match. Actual root hash: {:?}. Expected root hash: {:?}.",
565            curr_root_hash,
566            new_root_hash,
567        );
569        Ok(())
570    }
573/// Note: this is not a range proof in the sense that a range of nodes is verified!
574/// Instead, it verifies the entire left part of the tree up to a known rightmost node.
575/// See the description below.
577/// A proof that can be used to authenticate a range of consecutive leaves, from the leftmost leaf to
578/// the rightmost known one, in a sparse Merkle tree. For example, given the following sparse Merkle tree:
580/// ```text
581///                   root
582///                  /     \
583///                 /       \
584///                /         \
585///               o           o
586///              / \         / \
587///             a   o       o   h
588///                / \     / \
589///               o   d   e   X
590///              / \         / \
591///             b   c       f   g
592/// ```
594/// if the proof wants show that `[a, b, c, d, e]` exists in the tree, it would need the siblings
595/// `X` and `h` on the right.
596#[derive(Eq, Serialize, Deserialize, borsh::BorshSerialize, borsh::BorshDeserialize)]
597pub struct SparseMerkleRangeProof<H: SimpleHasher> {
598    /// The vector of siblings on the right of the path from root to last leaf. The ones near the
599    /// bottom are at the beginning of the vector. In the above example, it's `[X, h]`.
600    right_siblings: Vec<SparseMerkleNode>,
601    _phantom: PhantomData<H>,
604// Manually implement PartialEq to circumvent [incorrect auto-bounds](
605// TODO: Switch back to #[derive] once the perfect_derive feature lands
606impl<H: SimpleHasher> PartialEq for SparseMerkleRangeProof<H> {
607    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
608        self.right_siblings == other.right_siblings
609    }
612// Manually implement Clone to circumvent [incorrect auto-bounds](
613// TODO: Switch back to #[derive] once the perfect_derive feature lands
614impl<H: SimpleHasher> Clone for SparseMerkleRangeProof<H> {
615    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
616        Self {
617            right_siblings: self.right_siblings.clone(),
618            _phantom: self._phantom.clone(),
619        }
620    }
623// Manually implement Debug to circumvent [incorrect auto-bounds](
624// TODO: Switch back to #[derive] once the perfect_derive feature lands
625impl<H: SimpleHasher> core::fmt::Debug for SparseMerkleRangeProof<H> {
626    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
627        f.debug_struct("SparseMerkleRangeProof")
628            .field("right_siblings", &self.right_siblings)
629            .field("_phantom", &self._phantom)
630            .finish()
631    }
634impl<H: SimpleHasher> SparseMerkleRangeProof<H> {
635    /// Constructs a new `SparseMerkleRangeProof`.
636    pub(crate) fn new(right_siblings: Vec<SparseMerkleNode>) -> Self {
637        Self {
638            right_siblings,
639            _phantom: Default::default(),
640        }
641    }
643    /// Returns the right siblings.
644    pub(crate) fn right_siblings(&self) -> &[SparseMerkleNode] {
645        &self.right_siblings
646    }
648    /// Verifies that the rightmost known leaf exists in the tree and that the resulting
649    /// root hash matches the expected root hash.
650    pub fn verify(
651        &self,
652        expected_root_hash: RootHash,
653        rightmost_known_leaf: SparseMerkleLeafNode,
654        left_siblings: Vec<[u8; 32]>,
655    ) -> Result<()> {
656        let num_siblings = left_siblings.len() + self.right_siblings.len();
657        let mut left_sibling_iter = left_siblings.iter();
658        let mut right_sibling_iter = self.right_siblings().iter();
660        let mut current_hash = rightmost_known_leaf.hash::<H>();
661        for bit in rightmost_known_leaf
662            .key_hash()
663            .0
664            .iter_bits()
665            .rev()
666            .skip(256 - num_siblings)
667        {
668            let (left_hash, right_hash) = if bit {
669                (
670                    *left_sibling_iter
671                        .next()
672                        .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Missing left sibling."))?,
673                    current_hash,
674                )
675            } else {
676                (
677                    current_hash,
678                    right_sibling_iter
679                        .next()
680                        .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Missing right sibling."))?
681                        .hash::<H>(),
682                )
683            };
684            current_hash = SparseMerkleInternalNode::new(left_hash, right_hash).hash::<H>();
685        }
687        ensure!(
688            current_hash == expected_root_hash.0,
689            "Root hashes do not match. Actual root hash: {:?}. Expected root hash: {:?}.",
690            current_hash,
691            expected_root_hash,
692        );
694        Ok(())
695    }
699mod serialization_tests {
700    //! These tests ensure that the various proofs supported by the JMT can actually be serialized and deserialized
701    //! when instantiated with a specific hasher. This is done as a sanity check to ensure the trait bounds inferred by Rustc
702    //! are not too restrictive.
704    use sha2::Sha256;
706    use crate::{
707        proof::{SparseMerkleInternalNode, SparseMerkleLeafNode, SparseMerkleNode},
708        KeyHash, ValueHash,
709    };
711    use super::{SparseMerkleProof, SparseMerkleRangeProof};
713    fn get_test_proof() -> SparseMerkleProof<Sha256> {
714        SparseMerkleProof {
715            leaf: Some(SparseMerkleLeafNode::new(
716                KeyHash([1u8; 32]),
717                ValueHash([2u8; 32]),
718            )),
719            siblings: alloc::vec![SparseMerkleNode::Internal(SparseMerkleInternalNode::new(
720                [3u8; 32], [4u8; 32]
721            ))],
722            phantom_hasher: Default::default(),
723        }
724    }
726    fn get_test_range_proof() -> SparseMerkleRangeProof<Sha256> {
727        SparseMerkleRangeProof {
728            right_siblings: alloc::vec![SparseMerkleNode::Internal(SparseMerkleInternalNode::new(
729                [3u8; 32], [4u8; 32]
730            ))],
731            _phantom: Default::default(),
732        }
733    }
735    #[test]
736    fn test_sparse_merkle_proof_roundtrip_serde() {
737        let proof = get_test_proof();
738        let serialized_proof = serde_json::to_string(&proof).expect("serialization is infallible");
739        let deserialized =
740            serde_json::from_str(&serialized_proof).expect("serialized proof is valid");
742        assert_eq!(proof, deserialized);
743    }
745    #[test]
746    fn test_sparse_merkle_proof_roundtrip_borsh() {
747        use borsh::BorshDeserialize;
748        let proof = get_test_proof();
749        let serialized_proof = borsh::to_vec(&proof).expect("serialization is infallible");
750        let deserialized =
751            SparseMerkleProof::<Sha256>::deserialize(&mut serialized_proof.as_slice())
752                .expect("serialized proof is valid");
754        assert_eq!(proof, deserialized);
755    }
757    #[test]
758    fn test_sparse_merkle_range_proof_roundtrip_serde() {
759        let proof = get_test_range_proof();
760        let serialized_proof = serde_json::to_string(&proof).expect("serialization is infallible");
761        let deserialized =
762            serde_json::from_str(&serialized_proof).expect("serialized proof is valid");
764        assert_eq!(proof, deserialized);
765    }
767    #[test]
768    fn test_sparse_merkle_range_proof_roundtrip_borsh() {
769        use borsh::BorshDeserialize;
770        let proof = get_test_range_proof();
771        let serialized_proof = borsh::to_vec(&proof).expect("serialization is infallible");
772        let deserialized =
773            SparseMerkleRangeProof::<Sha256>::deserialize(&mut serialized_proof.as_slice())
774                .expect("serialized proof is valid");
776        assert_eq!(proof, deserialized);
777    }