
1// Copyright (c) The Diem Core Contributors
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4//! Node types of [`JellyfishMerkleTree`](crate::JellyfishMerkleTree)
6//! This module defines two types of Jellyfish Merkle tree nodes: [`InternalNode`]
7//! and [`LeafNode`] as building blocks of a 256-bit
8//! [`JellyfishMerkleTree`](crate::JellyfishMerkleTree). [`InternalNode`] represents a 4-level
9//! binary tree to optimize for IOPS: it compresses a tree with 31 nodes into one node with 16
10//! chidren at the lowest level. [`LeafNode`] stores the full key and the value associated.
11use crate::storage::TreeReader;
13use crate::SimpleHasher;
14use alloc::format;
15use alloc::vec::Vec;
16use alloc::{boxed::Box, vec};
17use anyhow::Context;
18use borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize};
19use num_derive::{FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive};
21use proptest::prelude::*;
23use proptest_derive::Arbitrary;
24use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
26use crate::proof::SparseMerkleNode;
27use crate::{
28    types::{
29        nibble::{nibble_path::NibblePath, Nibble},
30        proof::{SparseMerkleInternalNode, SparseMerkleLeafNode},
31        Version,
32    },
36/// The unique key of each node.
38    Clone,
39    Debug,
40    Hash,
41    Eq,
42    PartialEq,
43    Ord,
44    PartialOrd,
45    Serialize,
46    Deserialize,
47    borsh::BorshSerialize,
48    borsh::BorshDeserialize,
50#[cfg_attr(any(test), derive(Arbitrary))]
51pub struct NodeKey {
52    // The version at which the node is created.
53    version: Version,
54    // The nibble path this node represents in the tree.
55    nibble_path: NibblePath,
58impl NodeKey {
59    /// Creates a new `NodeKey`.
60    pub fn new(version: Version, nibble_path: NibblePath) -> Self {
61        Self {
62            version,
63            nibble_path,
64        }
65    }
67    /// A shortcut to generate a node key consisting of a version and an empty nibble path.
68    pub(crate) fn new_empty_path(version: Version) -> Self {
69        Self::new(version, NibblePath::new(vec![]))
70    }
72    /// Gets the version.
73    pub fn version(&self) -> Version {
74        self.version
75    }
77    /// Gets the nibble path.
78    pub fn nibble_path(&self) -> &NibblePath {
79        &self.nibble_path
80    }
82    /// Generates a child node key based on this node key.
83    pub(crate) fn gen_child_node_key(&self, version: Version, n: Nibble) -> Self {
84        let mut node_nibble_path = self.nibble_path().clone();
85        node_nibble_path.push(n);
86        Self::new(version, node_nibble_path)
87    }
89    /// Generates parent node key at the same version based on this node key.
90    pub(crate) fn gen_parent_node_key(&self) -> Self {
91        let mut node_nibble_path = self.nibble_path().clone();
92        assert!(
93            node_nibble_path.pop().is_some(),
94            "Current node key is root.",
95        );
96        Self::new(self.version, node_nibble_path)
97    }
99    /// Sets the version to the given version.
100    pub(crate) fn set_version(&mut self, version: Version) {
101        self.version = version;
102    }
106    Clone,
107    Debug,
108    Eq,
109    PartialEq,
110    borsh::BorshSerialize,
111    borsh::BorshDeserialize,
112    Serialize,
113    Deserialize,
115pub enum NodeType {
116    Leaf,
117    Internal { leaf_count: usize },
121impl Arbitrary for NodeType {
122    type Parameters = ();
123    type Strategy = BoxedStrategy<Self>;
125    fn arbitrary_with(_args: ()) -> Self::Strategy {
126        prop_oneof![
127            Just(NodeType::Leaf),
128            (2..100usize).prop_map(|leaf_count| NodeType::Internal { leaf_count })
129        ]
130        .boxed()
131    }
134/// Each child of [`InternalNode`] encapsulates a nibble forking at this node.
136    Clone,
137    Debug,
138    Eq,
139    PartialEq,
140    borsh::BorshSerialize,
141    borsh::BorshDeserialize,
142    Serialize,
143    Deserialize,
145#[cfg_attr(any(test), derive(Arbitrary))]
146pub struct Child {
147    /// The hash value of this child node.
148    pub hash: [u8; 32],
149    /// `version`, the `nibble_path` of the ['NodeKey`] of this [`InternalNode`] the child belongs
150    /// to and the child's index constitute the [`NodeKey`] to uniquely identify this child node
151    /// from the storage. Used by `[`NodeKey::gen_child_node_key`].
152    pub version: Version,
153    /// Indicates if the child is a leaf, or if it's an internal node, the total number of leaves
154    /// under it.
155    pub node_type: NodeType,
158impl Child {
159    pub fn new(hash: [u8; 32], version: Version, node_type: NodeType) -> Self {
160        Self {
161            hash,
162            version,
163            node_type,
164        }
165    }
167    pub fn is_leaf(&self) -> bool {
168        matches!(self.node_type, NodeType::Leaf)
169    }
171    pub fn leaf_count(&self) -> usize {
172        match self.node_type {
173            NodeType::Leaf => 1,
174            NodeType::Internal { leaf_count } => leaf_count,
175        }
176    }
179/// [`Children`] is just a collection of children belonging to a [`InternalNode`], indexed from 0 to
180/// 15, inclusive.
182    Debug,
183    Clone,
184    PartialEq,
185    Eq,
186    Default,
187    borsh::BorshSerialize,
188    borsh::BorshDeserialize,
189    Serialize,
190    Deserialize,
192pub struct Children {
193    /// The actual children. We box this array to avoid stack overflows, since the space consumed
194    /// is somewhat large
195    children: Box<[Option<Child>; 16]>,
196    num_children: usize,
200impl Arbitrary for Children {
201    type Parameters = ();
202    type Strategy = BoxedStrategy<Self>;
204    fn arbitrary_with(_args: Self::Parameters) -> Self::Strategy {
205        (any::<Box<[Option<Child>; 16]>>().prop_map(|children| {
206            let num_children = children.iter().filter(|child| child.is_some()).count();
207            Self {
208                children,
209                num_children,
210            }
211        }))
212        .boxed()
213    }
216impl Children {
217    /// Create an empty set of children.
218    pub fn new() -> Self {
219        Default::default()
220    }
222    /// Insert a new child. Insert is guaranteed not to allocate.
223    pub fn insert(&mut self, nibble: Nibble, child: Child) {
224        let idx = nibble.as_usize();
225        if self.children[idx].is_none() {
226            self.num_children += 1;
227        }
228        self.children[idx] = Some(child);
229    }
231    /// Get the child at the provided nibble.
232    pub fn get(&self, nibble: Nibble) -> &Option<Child> {
233        &self.children[nibble.as_usize()]
234    }
236    /// Check if the struct contains any children.
237    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
238        self.num_children == 0
239    }
241    /// Remove the child at the provided nibble.
242    pub fn remove(&mut self, nibble: Nibble) {
243        let idx = nibble.as_usize();
244        if self.children[idx].is_some() {
245            self.num_children -= 1;
246        }
247        self.children[idx] = None;
248    }
250    /// Returns a (possibly unsorted) iterator over the children.
251    pub fn values(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Child> {
252        self.children.iter().filter_map(|child| child.as_ref())
253    }
255    /// Returns a (possibly unsorted) iterator over the children and their respective Nibbles.
256    pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Nibble, &Child)> {
257        self.iter_sorted()
258    }
260    /// Returns a (possibly unsorted) mutable iterator over the children, also yielding their respective nibbles.
261    pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Nibble, &mut Child)> {
262        self.children
263            .iter_mut()
264            .enumerate()
265            .filter_map(|(nibble, child)| {
266                if let Some(child) = child {
267                    Some((Nibble::from(nibble as u8), child))
268                } else {
269                    None
270                }
271            })
272    }
274    /// Returns the number of children.
275    pub fn num_children(&self) -> usize {
276        self.num_children
277    }
279    /// Returns an iterator that yields the children and their respective Nibbles in sorted order.
280    pub fn iter_sorted(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Nibble, &Child)> {
281        self.children
282            .iter()
283            .enumerate()
284            .filter_map(|(nibble, child)| {
285                if let Some(child) = child {
286                    Some((Nibble::from(nibble as u8), child))
287                } else {
288                    None
289                }
290            })
291    }
294/// Represents a 4-level subtree with 16 children at the bottom level. Theoretically, this reduces
295/// IOPS to query a tree by 4x since we compress 4 levels in a standard Merkle tree into 1 node.
296/// Though we choose the same internal node structure as that of Patricia Merkle tree, the root hash
297/// computation logic is similar to a 4-level sparse Merkle tree except for some customizations. See
298/// the `CryptoHash` trait implementation below for details.
300    Clone,
301    Debug,
302    Eq,
303    PartialEq,
304    Serialize,
305    Deserialize,
306    borsh::BorshSerialize,
307    borsh::BorshDeserialize,
309pub struct InternalNode {
310    /// Up to 16 children.
311    children: Children,
312    /// Total number of leaves under this internal node
313    leaf_count: usize,
316impl SparseMerkleInternalNode {
317    fn from<H: SimpleHasher>(internal_node: InternalNode) -> Self {
318        let bitmaps = internal_node.generate_bitmaps();
319        SparseMerkleInternalNode::new(
320            internal_node.merkle_hash::<H>(0, 8, bitmaps),
321            internal_node.merkle_hash::<H>(8, 8, bitmaps),
322        )
323    }
326/// Computes the hash of internal node according to [`JellyfishTree`](crate::JellyfishTree)
327/// data structure in the logical view. `start` and `nibble_height` determine a subtree whose
328/// root hash we want to get. For an internal node with 16 children at the bottom level, we compute
329/// the root hash of it as if a full binary Merkle tree with 16 leaves as below:
331/// ```text
332///   4 ->              +------ root hash ------+
333///                     |                       |
334///   3 ->        +---- # ----+           +---- # ----+
335///               |           |           |           |
336///   2 ->        #           #           #           #
337///             /   \       /   \       /   \       /   \
338///   1 ->     #     #     #     #     #     #     #     #
339///           / \   / \   / \   / \   / \   / \   / \   / \
340///   0 ->   0   1 2   3 4   5 6   7 8   9 A   B C   D E   F
341///   ^
342/// height
343/// ```
345/// As illustrated above, at nibble height 0, `0..F` in hex denote 16 chidren hashes.  Each `#`
346/// means the hash of its two direct children, which will be used to generate the hash of its
347/// parent with the hash of its sibling. Finally, we can get the hash of this internal node.
349/// However, if an internal node doesn't have all 16 chidren exist at height 0 but just a few of
350/// them, we have a modified hashing rule on top of what is stated above:
351/// 1. From top to bottom, a node will be replaced by a leaf child if the subtree rooted at this
352/// node has only one child at height 0 and it is a leaf child.
353/// 2. From top to bottom, a node will be replaced by the placeholder node if the subtree rooted at
354/// this node doesn't have any child at height 0. For example, if an internal node has 3 leaf
355/// children at index 0, 3, 8, respectively, and 1 internal node at index C, then the computation
356/// graph will be like:
358/// ```text
359///   4 ->              +------ root hash ------+
360///                     |                       |
361///   3 ->        +---- # ----+           +---- # ----+
362///               |           |           |           |
363///   2 ->        #           @           8           #
364///             /   \                               /   \
365///   1 ->     0     3                             #     @
366///                                               / \
367///   0 ->                                       C   @
368///   ^
369/// height
370/// Note: @ denotes placeholder hash.
371/// ```
373impl Arbitrary for InternalNode {
374    type Parameters = ();
375    type Strategy = BoxedStrategy<Self>;
377    fn arbitrary_with(_args: ()) -> Self::Strategy {
378        (any::<Children>().prop_filter(
379            "InternalNode constructor panics when its only child is a leaf.",
380            |children| {
381                !(children.num_children() == 1
382                    && children.values().next().expect("Must exist.").is_leaf())
383            },
384        ))
385        .prop_map(InternalNode::new)
386        .boxed()
387    }
390/// Helper for `InternalNode` implementations. Test if the leaf exaclty has one child within the width range specified
391fn has_only_child(width: u8, range_existence_bitmap: u16, range_leaf_bitmap: u16) -> bool {
392    width == 1 || (range_existence_bitmap.count_ones() == 1 && range_leaf_bitmap != 0)
395/// Helper for `InternalNode` implementations. Test if the leaf exactly has one child *at the position n*
396///  within the width range specified
397fn has_child(
398    width: u8,
399    range_existence_bitmap: u16,
400    n_bitmap: u16,
401    range_leaf_bitmap: u16,
402) -> bool {
403    width == 1 || (range_existence_bitmap == n_bitmap && range_leaf_bitmap != 0)
406impl InternalNode {
407    /// Creates a new Internal node.
408    pub fn new(children: Children) -> Self {
409        // Assert the internal node must have >= 1 children. If it only has one child, it cannot be
410        // a leaf node. Otherwise, the leaf node should be a child of this internal node's parent.
411        assert!(!children.is_empty(), "Children must not be empty");
412        if children.num_children() == 1 {
413            assert!(
414                !children
415                    .values()
416                    .next()
417                    .expect("Must have 1 element")
418                    .is_leaf(),
419                "If there's only one child, it must not be a leaf."
420            );
421        }
423        let leaf_count = Self::sum_leaf_count(&children);
424        Self {
425            children,
426            leaf_count,
427        }
428    }
430    fn sum_leaf_count(children: &Children) -> usize {
431        let mut leaf_count = 0;
432        for child in children.values() {
433            let n = child.leaf_count();
434            leaf_count += n;
435        }
436        leaf_count
437    }
439    pub fn leaf_count(&self) -> usize {
440        self.leaf_count
441    }
443    pub fn node_type(&self) -> NodeType {
444        NodeType::Internal {
445            leaf_count: self.leaf_count,
446        }
447    }
449    pub fn hash<H: SimpleHasher>(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
450        self.merkle_hash::<H>(
451            0,  /* start index */
452            16, /* the number of leaves in the subtree of which we want the hash of root */
453            self.generate_bitmaps(),
454        )
455    }
457    pub fn children_sorted(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Nibble, &Child)> {
458        // Previously this used `.sorted_by_key()` directly on the iterator but this does not appear
459        // to be available in itertools (it does not seem to ever have existed???) for unknown
460        // reasons. This satisfies the same behavior. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
461        self.children.iter_sorted()
462    }
464    pub fn children_unsorted(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Nibble, &Child)> {
465        self.children.iter()
466    }
468    /// Gets the `n`-th child.
469    pub fn child(&self, n: Nibble) -> Option<&Child> {
470        self.children.get(n).as_ref()
471    }
473    /// Generates `existence_bitmap` and `leaf_bitmap` as a pair of `u16`s: child at index `i`
474    /// exists if `existence_bitmap[i]` is set; child at index `i` is leaf node if
475    /// `leaf_bitmap[i]` is set.
476    pub fn generate_bitmaps(&self) -> (u16, u16) {
477        let mut existence_bitmap = 0;
478        let mut leaf_bitmap = 0;
479        for (nibble, child) in self.children.iter() {
480            let i = u8::from(nibble);
481            existence_bitmap |= 1u16 << i;
482            if child.is_leaf() {
483                leaf_bitmap |= 1u16 << i;
484            }
485        }
486        // `leaf_bitmap` must be a subset of `existence_bitmap`.
487        assert_eq!(existence_bitmap | leaf_bitmap, existence_bitmap);
488        (existence_bitmap, leaf_bitmap)
489    }
491    /// Given a range [start, start + width), returns the sub-bitmap of that range.
492    fn range_bitmaps(start: u8, width: u8, bitmaps: (u16, u16)) -> (u16, u16) {
493        assert!(start < 16 && width.count_ones() == 1 && start % width == 0);
494        assert!(width <= 16 && (start + width) <= 16);
495        // A range with `start == 8` and `width == 4` will generate a mask 0b0000111100000000.
496        // use as converting to smaller integer types when 'width == 16'
497        let mask = (((1u32 << width) - 1) << start) as u16;
498        (bitmaps.0 & mask, bitmaps.1 & mask)
499    }
501    /// [`build_sibling`] builds the sibling contained in the merkle tree between
502    /// [start; start+width) under the internal node (`self`) using the `TreeReader` as
503    /// a node reader to get the leaves/internal nodes at the bottom level of this internal node
504    fn build_sibling<H: SimpleHasher>(
505        &self,
506        tree_reader: &impl TreeReader,
507        node_key: &NodeKey,
508        start: u8,
509        width: u8,
510        (existence_bitmap, leaf_bitmap): (u16, u16),
511    ) -> SparseMerkleNode {
512        // Given a bit [start, 1 << nibble_height], return the value of that range.
513        let (range_existence_bitmap, range_leaf_bitmap) =
514            Self::range_bitmaps(start, width, (existence_bitmap, leaf_bitmap));
515        if range_existence_bitmap == 0 {
516            // No child under this subtree
517            SparseMerkleNode::Null
518        } else if has_only_child(width, range_existence_bitmap, range_leaf_bitmap) {
519            // Only 1 leaf child under this subtree or reach the lowest level
520            let only_child_index = Nibble::from(range_existence_bitmap.trailing_zeros() as u8);
522            let child = self
523                .child(only_child_index)
524                .with_context(|| {
525                    format!(
526                        "Corrupted internal node: existence_bitmap indicates \
527                         the existence of a non-exist child at index {:x}",
528                        only_child_index
529                    )
530                })
531                .unwrap();
533            let child_node = tree_reader
534                .get_node(&node_key.gen_child_node_key(child.version, only_child_index))
535                .with_context(|| {
536                    format!(
537                        "Corruption error: the merkle tree reader supplied cannot find \
538                         the child of version {:?} at index {:x}.",
539                        child.version, only_child_index
540                    )
541                })
542                .unwrap();
544            match child_node {
545                Node::Internal(node) => {
546                    SparseMerkleNode::Internal(SparseMerkleInternalNode::from::<H>(node))
547                }
548                Node::Leaf(node) => SparseMerkleNode::Leaf(SparseMerkleLeafNode::from(node)),
549                Node::Null => unreachable!("Impossible to get a null node at this location"),
550            }
551        } else {
552            let left_child = self.merkle_hash::<H>(
553                start,
554                width / 2,
555                (range_existence_bitmap, range_leaf_bitmap),
556            );
557            let right_child = self.merkle_hash::<H>(
558                start + width / 2,
559                width / 2,
560                (range_existence_bitmap, range_leaf_bitmap),
561            );
562            SparseMerkleNode::Internal(SparseMerkleInternalNode::new(left_child, right_child))
563        }
564    }
566    fn merkle_hash<H: SimpleHasher>(
567        &self,
568        start: u8,
569        width: u8,
570        (existence_bitmap, leaf_bitmap): (u16, u16),
571    ) -> [u8; 32] {
572        // Given a bit [start, 1 << nibble_height], return the value of that range.
573        let (range_existence_bitmap, range_leaf_bitmap) =
574            Self::range_bitmaps(start, width, (existence_bitmap, leaf_bitmap));
575        if range_existence_bitmap == 0 {
576            // No child under this subtree
578        } else if has_only_child(width, range_existence_bitmap, range_leaf_bitmap) {
579            // Only 1 leaf child under this subtree or reach the lowest level
580            let only_child_index = Nibble::from(range_existence_bitmap.trailing_zeros() as u8);
581            self.child(only_child_index)
582                .with_context(|| {
583                    format!(
584                        "Corrupted internal node: existence_bitmap indicates \
585                         the existence of a non-exist child at index {:x}",
586                        only_child_index
587                    )
588                })
589                .unwrap()
590                .hash
591        } else {
592            let left_child = self.merkle_hash::<H>(
593                start,
594                width / 2,
595                (range_existence_bitmap, range_leaf_bitmap),
596            );
597            let right_child = self.merkle_hash::<H>(
598                start + width / 2,
599                width / 2,
600                (range_existence_bitmap, range_leaf_bitmap),
601            );
602            SparseMerkleInternalNode::new(left_child, right_child).hash::<H>()
603        }
604    }
606    /// Gets the child without its corresponding siblings (like using
607    /// [`get_only_child_with_siblings`](InternalNode::get_only_child_with_siblings) and dropping the
608    /// siblings, but more efficient).
609    pub fn get_only_child_without_siblings(
610        &self,
611        node_key: &NodeKey,
612        n: Nibble,
613    ) -> Option<NodeKey> {
614        let (existence_bitmap, leaf_bitmap) = self.generate_bitmaps();
616        // Nibble height from 3 to 0.
617        for h in (0..4).rev() {
618            // Get the number of children of the internal node that each subtree at this height
619            // covers.
620            let width = 1 << h;
621            let child_half_start = get_child_half_start(n, h);
623            let (range_existence_bitmap, range_leaf_bitmap) =
624                Self::range_bitmaps(child_half_start, width, (existence_bitmap, leaf_bitmap));
626            if range_existence_bitmap == 0 {
627                // No child in this range.
628                return None;
629            } else if has_only_child(width, range_existence_bitmap, range_leaf_bitmap) {
630                // Return the only 1 leaf child under this subtree or reach the lowest level
631                // Even this leaf child is not the n-th child, it should be returned instead of
632                // `None` because it's existence indirectly proves the n-th child doesn't exist.
633                // Please read proof format for details.
634                let only_child_index = Nibble::from(range_existence_bitmap.trailing_zeros() as u8);
636                let only_child_version = self
637                    .child(only_child_index)
638                    // Should be guaranteed by the self invariants, but these are not easy to express at the moment
639                    .with_context(|| {
640                        format!(
641                            "Corrupted internal node: child_bitmap indicates \
642                                     the existence of a non-exist child at index {:x}",
643                            only_child_index
644                        )
645                    })
646                    .unwrap()
647                    .version;
649                return Some(node_key.gen_child_node_key(only_child_version, only_child_index));
650            }
651        }
652        unreachable!("Impossible to get here without returning even at the lowest level.")
653    }
655    /// Gets the child and its corresponding siblings that are necessary to generate the proof for
656    /// the `n`-th child. This function will **either** return the child that matches the nibble n or the only
657    /// child in the largest width range pointed by n. If it is an existence proof, the returned child must be the `n`-th
658    /// child; otherwise, the returned child may be another child in the same nibble pointed by n.
659    /// See inline explanation for details. When calling this function with n = 11
660    ///  (node `b` in the following graph), the range at each level is illustrated as a pair of square brackets:
661    ///
662    /// ```text
663    ///     4      [f   e   d   c   b   a   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0] -> root level
664    ///            ---------------------------------------------------------------
665    ///     3      [f   e   d   c   b   a   9   8] [7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0] width = 8
666    ///                                  chs <--┘                        shs <--┘
667    ///     2      [f   e   d   c] [b   a   9   8] [7   6   5   4] [3   2   1   0] width = 4
668    ///                  shs <--┘               └--> chs
669    ///     1      [f   e] [d   c] [b   a] [9   8] [7   6] [5   4] [3   2] [1   0] width = 2
670    ///                          chs <--┘       └--> shs
671    ///     0      [f] [e] [d] [c] [b] [a] [9] [8] [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0] width = 1
672    ///     ^                chs <--┘   └--> shs
673    ///     |   MSB|<---------------------- uint 16 ---------------------------->|LSB
674    ///  height    chs: `child_half_start`         shs: `sibling_half_start`
675    /// ```
676    fn get_child_with_siblings_helper<H: SimpleHasher>(
677        &self,
678        tree_reader: &impl TreeReader,
679        node_key: &NodeKey,
680        n: Nibble,
681        get_only_child: bool,
682    ) -> (Option<NodeKey>, Vec<SparseMerkleNode>) {
683        let mut siblings: Vec<SparseMerkleNode> = vec![];
684        let (existence_bitmap, leaf_bitmap) = self.generate_bitmaps();
686        let n_bitmap = 1 << n.as_usize();
688        // Nibble height from 3 to 0.
689        for h in (0..4).rev() {
690            // Get the number of children of the internal node that each subtree at this height
691            // covers.
692            let width = 1 << h;
693            let (child_half_start, sibling_half_start) = get_child_and_sibling_half_start(n, h);
694            // Compute the root hash of the subtree rooted at the sibling of `r`.
695            siblings.push(self.build_sibling::<H>(
696                tree_reader,
697                node_key,
698                sibling_half_start,
699                width,
700                (existence_bitmap, leaf_bitmap),
701            ));
703            let (range_existence_bitmap, range_leaf_bitmap) =
704                Self::range_bitmaps(child_half_start, width, (existence_bitmap, leaf_bitmap));
706            if range_existence_bitmap == 0 {
707                // No child in this range.
708                return (None, siblings);
709            } else if get_only_child
710                && (has_only_child(width, range_existence_bitmap, range_leaf_bitmap))
711            {
712                // Return the only 1 leaf child under this subtree or reach the lowest level
713                // Even this leaf child is not the n-th child, it should be returned instead of
714                // `None` because it's existence indirectly proves the n-th child doesn't exist.
715                // Please read proof format for details.
716                let only_child_index = Nibble::from(range_existence_bitmap.trailing_zeros() as u8);
717                return (
718                    {
719                        let only_child_version = self
720                            .child(only_child_index)
721                            // Should be guaranteed by the self invariants, but these are not easy to express at the moment
722                            .with_context(|| {
723                                format!(
724                                    "Corrupted internal node: child_bitmap indicates \
725                                         the existence of a non-exist child at index {:x}",
726                                    only_child_index
727                                )
728                            })
729                            .unwrap()
730                            .version;
731                        Some(node_key.gen_child_node_key(only_child_version, only_child_index))
732                    },
733                    siblings,
734                );
735            } else if !get_only_child
736                && (has_child(width, range_existence_bitmap, n_bitmap, range_leaf_bitmap))
737            {
738                // Early return the child in that subtree iff it is the only child and the nibble points
739                // to it
740                return (
741                    {
742                        let only_child_version = self
743                            .child(n)
744                            // Should be guaranteed by the self invariants, but these are not easy to express at the moment
745                            .with_context(|| {
746                                format!(
747                                    "Corrupted internal node: child_bitmap indicates \
748                                         the existence of a non-exist child at index {:x}",
749                                    n
750                                )
751                            })
752                            .unwrap()
753                            .version;
754                        Some(node_key.gen_child_node_key(only_child_version, n))
755                    },
756                    siblings,
757                );
758            }
759        }
760        unreachable!("Impossible to get here without returning even at the lowest level.")
761    }
763    /// [`get_child_with_siblings`] will return the child from this subtree that matches the nibble n in addition
764    /// to building the list of its sibblings. This function has the same behavior as [`child`].
765    pub(crate) fn get_child_with_siblings<H: SimpleHasher>(
766        &self,
767        tree_cache: &impl TreeReader,
768        node_key: &NodeKey,
769        n: Nibble,
770    ) -> (Option<NodeKey>, Vec<SparseMerkleNode>) {
771        self.get_child_with_siblings_helper::<H>(tree_cache, node_key, n, false)
772    }
774    /// [`get_only_child_with_siblings`] will **either** return the child that matches the nibble n or the only
775    /// child in the largest width range pointed by n (see the helper function [`get_child_with_siblings_helper`] for more information).
776    ///
777    /// Even this leaf child is not the n-th child, it should be returned instead of
778    /// `None` because it's existence indirectly proves the n-th child doesn't exist.
779    /// Please read proof format for details.
780    pub(crate) fn get_only_child_with_siblings<H: SimpleHasher>(
781        &self,
782        tree_reader: &impl TreeReader,
783        node_key: &NodeKey,
784        n: Nibble,
785    ) -> (Option<NodeKey>, Vec<SparseMerkleNode>) {
786        self.get_child_with_siblings_helper::<H>(tree_reader, node_key, n, true)
787    }
789    #[cfg(test)]
790    pub(crate) fn children(&self) -> &Children {
791        &self.children
792    }
795/// Given a nibble, computes the start position of its `child_half_start` and `sibling_half_start`
796/// at `height` level.
797pub(crate) fn get_child_and_sibling_half_start(n: Nibble, height: u8) -> (u8, u8) {
798    // Get the index of the first child belonging to the same subtree whose root, let's say `r` is
799    // at `height` that the n-th child belongs to.
800    // Note: `child_half_start` will be always equal to `n` at height 0.
801    let child_half_start = (0xff << height) & u8::from(n);
803    // Get the index of the first child belonging to the subtree whose root is the sibling of `r`
804    // at `height`.
805    let sibling_half_start = child_half_start ^ (1 << height);
807    (child_half_start, sibling_half_start)
810/// Given a nibble, computes the start position of its `child_half_start` at `height` level.
811pub(crate) fn get_child_half_start(n: Nibble, height: u8) -> u8 {
812    // Get the index of the first child belonging to the same subtree whose root, let's say `r` is
813    // at `height` that the n-th child belongs to.
814    // Note: `child_half_start` will be always equal to `n` at height 0.
815    (0xff << height) & u8::from(n)
818/// Represents a key-value pair in the map.
820/// Note: this does not store the key itself.
822    Clone,
823    Debug,
824    Eq,
825    PartialEq,
826    Serialize,
827    Deserialize,
828    borsh::BorshSerialize,
829    borsh::BorshDeserialize,
831pub struct LeafNode {
832    /// The hash of the key for this entry.
833    key_hash: KeyHash,
834    /// The hash of the value for this entry.
835    value_hash: ValueHash,
838impl LeafNode {
839    /// Creates a new leaf node.
840    pub fn new(key_hash: KeyHash, value_hash: ValueHash) -> Self {
841        Self {
842            key_hash,
843            value_hash,
844        }
845    }
847    /// Gets the key hash.
848    pub fn key_hash(&self) -> KeyHash {
849        self.key_hash
850    }
852    /// Gets the associated value hash.
853    pub(crate) fn value_hash(&self) -> ValueHash {
854        self.value_hash
855    }
857    pub fn hash<H: SimpleHasher>(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
858        SparseMerkleLeafNode::new(self.key_hash, self.value_hash).hash::<H>()
859    }
862impl From<LeafNode> for SparseMerkleLeafNode {
863    fn from(leaf_node: LeafNode) -> Self {
864        Self::new(leaf_node.key_hash, leaf_node.value_hash)
865    }
869#[derive(FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)]
870#[borsh(use_discriminant = false)]
871enum NodeTag {
872    Null = 0,
873    Leaf = 1,
874    Internal = 2,
877/// The concrete node type of [`JellyfishMerkleTree`](crate::JellyfishMerkleTree).
878#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Serialize, Deserialize)]
879pub enum Node {
880    /// Represents `null`.
881    Null,
882    /// A wrapper of [`InternalNode`].
883    Internal(InternalNode),
884    /// A wrapper of [`LeafNode`].
885    Leaf(LeafNode),
888impl From<InternalNode> for Node {
889    fn from(node: InternalNode) -> Self {
890        Node::Internal(node)
891    }
894impl From<InternalNode> for Children {
895    fn from(node: InternalNode) -> Self {
896        node.children
897    }
900impl From<LeafNode> for Node {
901    fn from(node: LeafNode) -> Self {
902        Node::Leaf(node)
903    }
906impl Node {
907    /// Creates the [`Null`](Node::Null) variant.
908    pub(crate) fn new_null() -> Self {
909        Node::Null
910    }
912    /// Creates the [`Internal`](Node::Internal) variant.
913    #[cfg(any(test))]
914    pub(crate) fn new_internal(children: Children) -> Self {
915        Node::Internal(InternalNode::new(children))
916    }
918    /// Creates the [`Leaf`](Node::Leaf) variant.
919    pub(crate) fn new_leaf(key_hash: KeyHash, value_hash: ValueHash) -> Self {
920        Node::Leaf(LeafNode::new(key_hash, value_hash))
921    }
923    /// Creates the [`Leaf`](Node::Leaf) variant by hashing a raw value.
924    #[cfg(any(test))]
925    pub(crate) fn leaf_from_value<H: SimpleHasher>(
926        key_hash: KeyHash,
927        value: impl AsRef<[u8]>,
928    ) -> Self {
929        Node::Leaf(LeafNode::new(key_hash, ValueHash::with::<H>(value)))
930    }
932    /// Returns `true` if the node is a leaf node.
933    pub(crate) fn is_leaf(&self) -> bool {
934        matches!(self, Node::Leaf(_))
935    }
937    /// Returns `NodeType`
938    pub(crate) fn node_type(&self) -> NodeType {
939        match self {
940            // The returning value will be used to construct a `Child` of a internal node, while an
941            // internal node will never have a child of Node::Null.
942            Self::Null => unreachable!(),
943            Self::Leaf(_) => NodeType::Leaf,
944            Self::Internal(n) => n.node_type(),
945        }
946    }
948    /// Returns leaf count if known
949    pub(crate) fn leaf_count(&self) -> usize {
950        match self {
951            Node::Null => 0,
952            Node::Leaf(_) => 1,
953            Node::Internal(internal_node) => internal_node.leaf_count,
954        }
955    }
957    /// Computes the hash of nodes.
958    pub(crate) fn hash<H: SimpleHasher>(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
959        match self {
960            Node::Null => SPARSE_MERKLE_PLACEHOLDER_HASH,
961            Node::Internal(internal_node) => internal_node.hash::<H>(),
962            Node::Leaf(leaf_node) => leaf_node.hash::<H>(),
963        }
964    }